Welcome to New Jersey, Drone Capitol of the World. Jerseyans cannot figure out why drones are being spotted everywhere these days. Government spying? Extraterrestrials? Keeping an eye on the Trump property? I have gotten a barrage of emails and texts and I have seen social media posts from people who like to take pictures and report these drone sightings to the rest of us. Everyone seems to have a theory. What’s it all about, Alfie?
My sister and I have decided that there are various levels of what we can best call “casual wear.” There are the sweatpants you would never wear outside of the house and there are the better sweats that we have now defined as “dress sweats,” which are acceptable attire for doctor visits and errands, but not for dining or general public viewing. I like the dress sweats idea!
Just so you know, if I find that the toilet paper in your bathroom goes UNDER instead of OVER, I will change it. Maybe not if I went to Buckingham Palace, but otherwise, this will happen anywhere else.
I am no longer capable of sitting down or getting up from a chair without groaning.
No one I know can sleep anymore. Sure, we try to go to bed early, but for me, the earlier I go to sleep, the earlier my FIRST wake-up session will be. I always have to get up to use the bathroom at least once. I know it is not just me, because all of my friends seem to be online and texting by 7 AM at the latest. When I was a teenager and a young adult, if I woke up by 11 AM on a weekend, that was early. And no trips to the bathroom were needed!
When I was working, there was one woman in the office who kept a stash of what we called “the Magic Crackers.” They were made in the shape of butterflies and sold by Pepperidge Farm, and we would ask good old Pat for a few when we had some stomach issues. They worked every time. Bland, but soothing. Just what we needed on a bad tummy day.
Practically no one I know wants to drive at night anymore – or can drive at night. My night driving got much better after my cataract surgery, but I’m only comfortable going to places that are so familiar to me that the car could get there on its own.
I keep the ringer on my cellphone OFF most of the time, so chances are that if you call, I might not pick up. My phone is often in my hand, so I might just see that you called – but I might not pick up anyway!
How can I break a nail in the shower? I don’t understand. I didn’t shampoo THAT vigorously!
If you use the term “back in the day,” you are officially old.
One of my superpowers is the ability to correctly guess numbers. I do this mostly with the time of day – or night. I can wake up and know the approximate correct time. This skill does me no good in a casino or with lottery tickets, so it is mostly useless. Sometimes I’m so lazy that I won’t even roll over to check the clock to see if I guessed right about the time. I’ll just ask Alexa what time it is. She must be pretty bored with me by now.
I hear from Kohl's much more often than I do my closest friends. Every day there is a new email offering me Kohl's Cash or telling me I can save 10, 20, 30 or 40%, and that the sale ends that day. And I forget to delete the message so my mailbox is overflowing with Kohl's crap.
I have seen so many clips, promos and appearances by the stars of “Wicked” that I am turned off about seeing the actual movie. I saw the show on Broadway and thought it was way overdone. Let’s say it wasn’t “popular” with me. Truthfully, I loved the original Wizard of Oz movie and as a kid I really looked forward to its one airing on TV every year. My mother used The Wizard of Oz to threaten us – if you don’t do such-and-such, you cannot watch the movie! The expansion of the story and the addition of so many bells and whistles that blow away the original are just too much for me.
I’m spending too much time looking for things to watch on Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, Max, Peacock, Paramount+ and whatever else I am wasting money on than I spend on actually watching things. It is time to reevaluate my subscriptions and get this stuff under control!
I have no incentive to go to the movies anymore since most of the movies I want to see will be streaming weeks after their debuts. My rule is to wait for them and NOT pay the rental fee, which could be $19.99. If I really want to see a movie at home, I’m willing to rent it for $5.99, but I generally use great restraint and wait for it to be FREE. Free is always better, and I don’t feel so bad watching a movie I end up not liking when I don’t have to pay for it.
A word of advice: Don’t go to the ER on Thanksgiving. There is a skeleton staff on duty and no turkey. Just saying. And don’t go on Yom Kippur, as I did years ago with a kidney stone. There was hardly a doctor in the house!
When I was growing up and we could not open a bottle, my mother used the nutcracker. I knew it was called a nutcracker, but since we never had nuts to be cracked in our house, it wasn’t until I was in college and went to someone’s house where a big basket of nuts was on the table that I finally realized that a nutcracker was intended to be used to crack nuts. I also thought that the pliers were used only to change the channels on the TV when the knob fell off. Years later, when I saw someone using a pair of pliers as a tool, I finally realized that their use was not intended solely for the TV. Live and learn.
How do you put a pillow into a pillowcase? My mother taught me to turn the case inside out, but that doesn’t seem to help. It takes me more time to wrestle the pillow into the case than it does to wash and dry the cases! Where’s Mom when I need her? I’m 74 years old. You would think I would have mastered this skill by now!
This is my last blog entry (except for my year-end movie list) of the year. Over the past 15 years I have published more than 400 times. Sometimes I feel like I am running out of material, and then something like drones over NJ comes along and reawakens my appreciation of the absurd or odd stuff that fuels my writing. I can’t say this will go on indefinitely, but I hope you find my writing entertaining enough to continue to read it. If your attention is beginning to wane, let me know and I will take you off this mailing list (for those of you who receive this material via email; the rest of you can simply ignore the link I put on Facebook). I hope the new year brings me more inspiration to continue to publish and put a smile on your face. Happy holidays and happy new year to all.