Monday, November 18, 2024

Short & Sweet - November 2024

I went to my retina doctor on Halloween and everyone in the office was dressed like dominoes. I left there seeing spots before my eyes.

At the dentist’s office this month they took my blood pressure. On Election Day!  At the dentist’s office. Isn’t the dentist’s office anxiety-producing all my itself? Needless to say, it was HIGH! I usually don’t mind going to the dentist and the eye doctor, the only places where they DON’T take my blood pressure or make me get on the scale. So much for that. 

Aside from the dentist and the eye doctor, the only other place where I can legitimately avoid the scale is at the dermatologist. She doesn’t care what I weigh. She’s only interested in whether I have skin damage from the sun. And according to her, I have great skin. Clearly, her standard of “great skin” is vastly different from mine.

I feel that I am using too many exclamation points lately. Is all that emphasis needed? And who came up with exclamation points anyway? Now I have started using question marks to excess…

I wish I could sleep as well at 4 AM as I do at 4 PM.

You know those drug commercials that tout the benefits of some prescription and then warn you not to take that drug if you are allergic to it? How are you supposed to know you are allergic to something unless you take it and have a bad reaction?

There’s an app for everything, right? You buy a pair of shoes and they want you to install their app. My medical records are waiting for me to see – in the app. Do I really need to occupy the space on my phone with every place I go online? I don’t think so. 

I cannot eat scrambled eggs off a paper plate.

Don’t you hate that feeling when you are walking around and your sock slides into your shoe? Or when you suddenly feel your toe going through your sock? I’ve reached the point in life where I just throw the socks away and don’t feel the guilt (except that they do make good cloths to shine my shoes on the rare occasions that I shine my shoes).

The pay for local substitute teachers in my area just went up to $155 a day, a far cry from 1972, when I briefly substituted in my old high school for $22 a day before I started working at J&J, where my weekly salary was all of $125. Of course, the price of gas was under 50 cents a gallon then. But my real point is that despite the growth in the pay rate for teachers, we still don’t pay them enough. 

Now that I am making a concerted effort to drink more water, I feel like I spend half my time filling up the Brita water container, filling my water bottle and making ice. I never knew how much I appreciated the taste of COLD water until I got up a Yeti water bottle.

I’m not a Halloween fan. I don’t like dressing up or scary stuff and I really should not have candy in the house. Luckily, I live in an adult community so there aren’t any kids in the neighborhood to approach the house in costumes I cannot identify. Residents here instead hold a party for the grandkids and anyone who wants to hand out candy puts a paper pumpkin in their window. The kids are happy, the grandparents are happy, and I’m don’t have to bring candy into my house or hear the doorbell ring! Win-win. I’m just an old grouch, I guess.

I made a turkey meatloaf recently that was so bad that if I had ordered it at a restaurant, I would have sent it back. I tried to hold down the calories and, in the process, I eliminated the taste! Ground white meat turkey is dry and lacks flavor anyway, and I only made things worse. This healthy eating is not easy!

I had to go for blood work the other day and I was afraid I would accidentally eat when I was supposed to be fasting! I didn’t.

During the Presidential campaign, Trump asserted that you could send your son to school in the morning and he would come home as your daughter later that day because the schools were doing gender reassignment surgery as, he said, “without parental permission.” So that means my tax dollars are used to fund sophisticated operating rooms capable of performing such complex surgery? And who is supposed to be performing such surgery? The school nurse has to jump through hoops to give out an aspirin. So now school staff is supposed to be combat ready for a gunman AND trained to perform delicate surgery (and with no place for post-op recovery)? Come on! Don’t you think permission to set up the facilities to do on-site surgery might have come up at a school board meeting and would be reported in the local press? Of all of the many lies, misstatements, exaggerations and overstatements he made during the campaign, I found that one the most egregious and the one that could be most easily disproved. Yet, here we are. America. You have been conned. 

My Yankees lost in the World Series after leading in the final game by five runs. The Rutgers football team won 4 straight then lost 4 straight before winning their last two games, making them bowl-eligible. The Jets and Giants disappoint most weeks. But now that college basketball season is starting again, I have optimism and renewed hope for success. The Rutgers men’s team is already making national news with two top freshmen and the women’s team has some outstanding newcomers who hopefully will make them competitive in the very tough BIG 10 conference. Ask me in March if my hope was justified and my dreams came true!