Here is how I can tell that it is really winter (no matter what the calendar says): The ice cream stand on Hamilton street is boarded up, I’m turning on the seat heater in the car to toast my tush, I have plugged in and filled my humidifier and I’m heating my towels in my towel warmer.
There must be scientific evidence that the colder it is outside, the greater chance you have of seeing some brave (translation: stupid) person wearing shorts outside. Mostly guys. Why? Why?
I like to think of myself as having a considerable knowledge of popular music, so it pains me to admit that while I like the music of the Doobie Brothers, I have never understood one word of the lyrics as sung by Michael McDonald. Is it just me?
That’s it! I have had enough of socks trying to escape from the dryer! From now on, they will be held captive in my new $2, perfectly-sized mesh bag from Walmart, where they will remain until they can be washed AND dried and returned back to the drawers where they belong without incident. I got you now, you sneaky socks!
And speaking of socks, I don’t want to say that I am indecisive, but there are some days when it takes me 10 minutes to figure out which socks to wear. Today I went through my four (that’s right, 4) sock drawers to resort the collection. What nearly 70-year-old woman owns this many socks? No wonder I can’t decide. I might be better off having a full collection of exactly the same socks so there would be no decision to make.
I find that my clothes dryer buzzes at me in a very belligerent tone. I may be taking it a bit too personally, but it is so persistent that I feel it is accusing me of neglect if I don’t extricate the load immediately.
Speaking of dryers, I recently saw an ad for a Dyson hair dryer that cost $399.99. Four hundred dollars to dry my hair? For that money, I want a professional hairdresser to come to my house with the dryer and style my hair so I look $400 better than if I did it myself!
Can you believe it has been 20 years since we were all in a panic, worried about the impending doom that we faced with Y2K? OMG, such hype! Luckily, nothing came of it besides endless meetings to discuss how all computer systems would crash and burn. 20 years!
Who decided how we are supposed to capitalize titles? Why use upper case in “Gone” but not in “with the?” Why not just initial cap each word and make it easier for everyone? Oh, right, this is English, and we never make anything nice and easy.
With all of the technological advancements we have seen in our time, including streaming video, why can’t SOMEONE invent a better way to search on Netflix? We need a way to replace the little arrow that we have to use to point at letters that are too small to see on the TV, one letter at a time. And even if we can say (shouting and enunciating like mad) the name of the program we are looking for, chances are that what we say won’t be understood. Who’s our best person to work on this issue?
The other day I woke up nauseous, dizzy, sleepy, dopey and grumpy. I’m just a few dwarfs short of a full set.
Have you ever noticed how many times a book is described as a “page turner?” If I were an author, I think I would publish under the pseudonym Page Turner.
I heard recently that Bumble Bee Tuna has filed for bankruptcy. Trust me, I have consumed enough of their tuna to keep them afloat for the last nearly 70 years. If Bumble Bee Solid White Fancy is no longer available, I will never eat tuna again! Meanwhile, I will be binge-buying and hoarding.
Speaking of which, how did I let my current stash get down to only ONE package? I refuse to buy it at ShopRite when Walmart sells exactly the same brand in the same size for 50 cents less than other stores. So, off to Walmart I go to restock! (PS – I bought a dozen packages this weekend.)
Living vicariously is so much easier than having your own life. No plane tickets to order, no packing, no waiting in the airport and you can just enjoy someone else’s pictures without having to go and take them yourself.
It amazes me how I can look for something and be absolutely sure I know where to find it and it is simply not there. And then I go back and check again and there it is, right where it was supposed to be. How does it disappear and then reappear when I go back? Magic?
I hate to admit it, but I missed my Alexa when I was away recently. No one to talk to about the weather or the correct time, no one to give me sports scores. I’m pretty sure she missed me, too.
Of all the things that have come and gone in my life, I have to say that those plastic 4- packs of Del Monte cling peaches in light syrup and Finesse Volumizing Shampoo are at the top of my list. I have had to order the shampoo online lately, but my last experience was a failure since the 3rd party supplier shipped me two huge bottles of Suave Softening Shampoo instead. I had to call to find out this company doesn’t carry my preferred Finesse and maybe should have let me know instead of arbitrarily deciding that Suave was the same. I also wanted to return the Suave but was told to keep it. Look for it at the local food bank.
I love a diner. Huge menu, plenty of choices, enormous servings, and, while I rarely succumb, they offer chocolate cream pie. But a small, local diner is especially good. As I sat at mine recently, I watched “the regulars” come in and the waitresses immediately show up with coffee. The place is so small and yet so busy that the wait staff, bus boys and cooks are all in a space about half the size of my office. Service is fast and turnover is frequent. Good food, good people. You get what you expect with the local diner.
I don’t understand how the Dollar Store can sell Hallmark cards for $1. Sometimes they are two for $1. They are still Hallmark cards. Is the paper thinner, are the designs less colorful? What makes them such a bargain? Not that I mind NOT spending close to $5 on a birthday card, but I just don’t get it.
At this time 13 years ago, I was preparing to retire from J&J after 34 years spent in Corporate Communications. I can’t believe 13 years has passed by so quickly. I also can’t believe that a few Johnson & Johnson pens that managed to leave the office along with me are still in working order. They took a licking and kept on ticking! And so did I!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Monday, December 2, 2019
Tina's November 2019 Movies
I have hit the 150-movie mark for the year, and November had a few good ones and some old favorites. Movies are rated on a scale of 1-5 cans of tuna fish, five being the highest. Movies marked with an asterisk were ones I had not seen previously.
136. Motherless Brooklyn* (2019) – I’m pretty sure I just saw an Oscar contender. This film noir about a gumshoe, his loyal friend, a bunch of bad guys, political corruption, abuse of power and a very odd affliction was written and directed by Edward Norton. He plays named Lionel, the detective with what appears to be Tourette’s syndrome. Bruce Willis has a brief but key role as the guy who runs the detective agency. This gripping drama has twists and turns and a topnotch cast to keep the viewer on edge. It is quirky, with some deadpan humor amid the outbursts of violence. The parallels to this story, set in the 1950s, reflect much of American life today. Alec Baldwin plays Moses Randolph, a power broker modeled after Robert Moses, the man who controlled the bridges, roads and tunnels in New York City and who had more power than any mayor. Randolph is so powerful and evil that Baldwin’s performance seemed modeled on his Saturday Night Live performance as President Trump. Add the element of a Harlem Jazz Club and a community activist who thinks Lionel is a newspaper reporter and reveals to him valuable info on the mystery he is trying to solve. You’re probably confused enough already, so rather than reading about this movie, just go and see it. It is definitely worth your time. 4 cans.
137. Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) – Ryan Gosling has never looked better than here, playing a “player” named Jacob, who is very successful picking up pretty young women. But his friend, a married but separated man named Cal (Steve Carell) is so inept, that Jacob takes Cal under his wing and schools his much older protégé. And then things get really complicated in this clever and entertaining plot. Secret crushes abound, all amusing and entertaining. Stellar cast (Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon and a bunch of great kid actors), laughs and those Gosling abs! 4½ cans.
138. Lost in America (1985) ¬– When ad man David (Albert Brooks) fails to get the promotion to which he feels entitled, he convinces his wife Linda (Julie Hagerty) to quit her job, liquidate their assets and buy a Winnebago so they can travel the country and find themselves. First stop? Las Vegas, where Linda manages to gamble away their “nest egg” while David sleeps. Can two yuppies become two hippies and live off the land? This is a clever comedy, filled with hilarious Brooks rants (he wrote the script, much of which sounds and seems improvised). The understated Hagerty‘s performance balances Brooks’ over-the-top madness. The best scene in the movie is when the adman Brooks tries to sell casino boss Garry Marshall on the idea of returning their money as a sure-fire way to attract more gamblers, despite Marshall’s contention that then everyone will want their money back. This movie is a winner. 4 cans.
139. Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm* (2015) – If you have ever had someone squeeze exactly one inch of toothpaste onto your brush, or if someone has ironed your shoelaces, you have received the royal treatment. This behind-the-scenes documentary on Amazon Prime showcases the tasks, menial and more, that the staff of 1200 people who serve the British Monarchy undertake – for small wages – to serve royalty. This chatty film reveals secrets that should be covered by the signing of a non-disclosure agreement, but which the staff has shared anyway. Paul Burrell, long-time butler to Prince Charles and Lady Diana, readily tells some of the requirements of the positions. Walking the Queen’s Corgis is high on the list, as is the ironing of the sheets and most everything else and more that we all saw on “Downton Abbey.” 3 cans, because behind-the-scenes stuff always fascinates me.
140. Harriet* (2019) – This movie covers the legendary life of Harriet Tubman, a slave who runs away from Maryland to Philadelphia, where she becomes the best-known activist in the Underground Railroad, transporting slaves from the south to the north in search of freedom. Tubman (a stoic and charismatic Cynthia Erivo) ultimately was responsible for liberating hundreds of slaves with a blend of heroism and her belief that God gave her the strength and wisdom to act. The movie is an impressive accounting of Tubman’s ability to move stealthily back and forth, to disguise herself and to fear nothing. My only criticism is that she seems a bit like Wonder Woman at times. However, to me, the most important part of the movie was the realization that the majority of Southern white people saw themselves as the superior race and that owning slaves was their birthright. How anyone could justify owning another person just rocked me. It is remarkable that more than 100 years have passed and there persists this sense of superiority among some people that continues to manifest itself in everyday occurrences even in 2019. Harriet may be a hero, but so many of the people in this movie are the scum of the earth. 4 cans.
141. The Preppy Murder* (2019) – This multi-part series (aired on AMC and Sundance networks on TV) recounts the 1986 murder of Jennifer Levin by Robert Chambers, who killed the 18-year old in Central Park but claimed it was an accident that occurred during an episode of “rough sex.” This might have been the start of the “blame the victim” defense, and it was certainly a clear example of what we now refer to as “white privilege.” Chambers was tall, dark and handsome, living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and moved among a crowd of sons and daughters of the rich and famous. He was quickly identified as the killer and offered up a story that Jennifer was the aggressor and he was the victim, which his attorneys enhanced through a PR campaign that made him seem like a choirboy. The case was front-page news all over the city, and just getting a jury on the case was difficult because everyone in NYC knew about it from daily headlines. In case you don’t remember the conclusion of the case, I won’t discuss it here, but it is safe to say that being tall, dark and handsome doesn’t mean you are not a monster. 3½ cans.
142. Love Actually (2003) – I cannot possibly review this movie again, because by now EVERYONE knows I love it. The characters, the plot, the actors and even the songs make it a practically perfect romantic comedy, with Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson almost stealing the show. Just watch it if you haven’t already and you will see what I mean. The only flaw I can site is the irrelevant story about the porn actors who fall in love. That arc can be excised, and you wouldn’t miss it. 5 cans.
143. Very Ralph Lauren* (2019) – Ralph Lifschitz started as a boy in the Bronx and became an American icon, a fashion designer who had no training and couldn’t sketch but possessed the vision to develop clothing and create lifestyles for the past 50 years. This documentary on HBO lionizes him and his incredible sense of taste and style. From rich fabrics to layering, newly-named Lauren set new standards with his ubiquitous Polo brand that practically everyone recognizes. His name and tastes helped define style in America. 3 cans.
144. The Good Liar* (2019) – The title of this intriguing drama points to the main premise; there are plenty of lies and liars here, and good ones at that. Helen Mirren plays a widow who meets Roy (Ian McKellan) on-line and the two start up a relationship. Both are older people who have lost their spouses, and they seem very compatible, although she is not looking for a romantic relationship. Turns out, neither is he. Roy is a con man, interested in bilking the wealthy widow out of her money. He’s done it before, and he relishes the chase in doing it again. He’s not who he seems to be, a nice, gentle older man. And Mirren isn’t exactly merely a genteel woman, for that matter. It’s hard to say more without spilling the beans on the plot, but it is worth seeing this movie both for the performances of these mature actors as well as for a story with twists and turns. Cleverly done. 3½ cans.
145. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood* (2019) – I really expected to LOVE this movie. After all, it features the always-reliable actor Tom Hanks as children’s education and TV icon Mr. Rogers, and who can say or even think ill of either of these gentlemen? But, to be honest, I found this film less than satisfying, bordering on boredom, as I sat through scenes where Mr. Rogers and a journalist named Lloyd (Mathew Rhys) sit across the table from each other in virtual silence. No wonder my companion and I fell asleep! Lloyd is assigned to write a magazine article about Mr. Rogers, and the cynical writer cannot find fault with the kindly Rogers. Enduring an awkward relationship with his own father makes Lloyd doubt the genuineness of Mr. Rogers, who eventually influences the young writer to reconnect with his family. There are no revelations here, no smoking guns or aspersions to cast. If you are looking for action, explosions, weapons or fighting, you are in the wrong neighborhood. 3 cans, mostly for kindness.
146. October Sky (1999) – A teenaged Jake Gyllenhaal plays high school student Homer Hickman, who, with his buddies, tries to create and launch rockets. Inspired by Soviet success with Sputnik, Homer eschews working in the coal mines of his West Virginia town, where his father and so many other residents work. His hero is Werner Von Braun, but in his tiny town, no one has resources or expertise outside the mine, so he and his friends, who became known as the “rocket boys,” had to be resourceful to get what they needed to create a rocket and compete in a contest for college scholarships. The one person who encourages him is a high school teacher (Laura Dern), who believes he can achieve his dreams. A bit melodramatic for my taste, but the movie is based on a true story, so I cannot scoff at it. 3 cans.
147. Strictly Background* (2007) – Imagine a funeral scene in a movie without people crying in the background, or a scene in a restaurant where only the stars of the movie are dining. That’s where “extras” come in, those people who have no lines but often stand in lines, hoping to be cast and hoping to see more than just their feet or the top of their heads in the film. They look like all of the rest of us, though sometimes looking like a specific “type” helps them get the job. This documentary focuses on 10 extras who constantly reach out to casting agencies and try to make an impression strong enough to land a part. And if they do, the pay scale is not even enough to live on. I thought this was a sad movie about people with very limited aspirations who relish every bone thrown their way and proudly point out the millisecond many of them appear – strictly in the background. Nonetheless, their roles help make a scene come to life. 3 cans.
148. The Object of My Affection (1998) – The ageless Jennifer Anniston and Paul Rudd play good friends Nina and George. They live together, enjoy watching movies and taking ballroom dancing lessons. They have so much in common – including the fact that they both like men. When Nina finds herself pregnant by her erstwhile boyfriend Vince, whom she tolerates but will never want to marry, she asks George, the loving friend who has no one special in his life (at least right now), to help her raise the baby. And then it gets complicated, as Nina’s growing affection for George cannot be returned in kind. This is a touching story about whom we love and how we love, with a large cast of characters (Alan Alda, Allison Janney, Ira Pankow) and new and old relationships. Plenty of charm makes it worth 3½ cans.
149. American Son* (2019) – It is a rainy night in Florida, and an anguished woman (Kerry Washington) paces around a police station waiting for news about her missing son, Jamal. She is worried, bitter, angry and mystified by the lone police officer who cannot seem to give her an update on why she was contacted, what “incident” her son was involved in, and where he is. The arrival of her white husband (Steven Pasquale) only serves to exacerbate the tension between the black woman and the young, white cop and the black officer who arrives at the station to handle the case. I saw a stage production of this story last year at the George Street Playhouse, so I knew what to expect, but seeing it on the small screen was nearly as intense as seeing it live. Don’t watch this movie unless you can devote your full attention to it. Washington, especially, commands it. This powerful drama is airing on Netflix. 4 cans.
150. Moonlight Mile* (2002) – It must be Jake Gyllenhaal Month here since this is my 2nd Jake movie. Here he plays Joe, a young man mourning the loss of his fiancé, who was killed randomly while sitting in a local restaurant. Her parents, Ben and JoJo (Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon), cling to him for comfort, taking him into their home, their hearts and Ben’s business. No one asks him what HE wants, and he’s too quiet and shy to confess to them that he and their daughter actually had broken up three weeks before her death. Their palpable grief seems somewhat better with Joe around, since his presence and the pending court case against the shooter give them something to rail against instead of each other. But Joe is not facing reality, and when he meets a local waitress/postmaster, he faces the fact that he is living a lie. I don’t get the significance of the title, and I would have appreciated a bit more dialog from Joe, whose inner thoughts were not always obvious to me. And he has a horrible haircut. 3 cans.
136. Motherless Brooklyn* (2019) – I’m pretty sure I just saw an Oscar contender. This film noir about a gumshoe, his loyal friend, a bunch of bad guys, political corruption, abuse of power and a very odd affliction was written and directed by Edward Norton. He plays named Lionel, the detective with what appears to be Tourette’s syndrome. Bruce Willis has a brief but key role as the guy who runs the detective agency. This gripping drama has twists and turns and a topnotch cast to keep the viewer on edge. It is quirky, with some deadpan humor amid the outbursts of violence. The parallels to this story, set in the 1950s, reflect much of American life today. Alec Baldwin plays Moses Randolph, a power broker modeled after Robert Moses, the man who controlled the bridges, roads and tunnels in New York City and who had more power than any mayor. Randolph is so powerful and evil that Baldwin’s performance seemed modeled on his Saturday Night Live performance as President Trump. Add the element of a Harlem Jazz Club and a community activist who thinks Lionel is a newspaper reporter and reveals to him valuable info on the mystery he is trying to solve. You’re probably confused enough already, so rather than reading about this movie, just go and see it. It is definitely worth your time. 4 cans.
137. Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) – Ryan Gosling has never looked better than here, playing a “player” named Jacob, who is very successful picking up pretty young women. But his friend, a married but separated man named Cal (Steve Carell) is so inept, that Jacob takes Cal under his wing and schools his much older protégé. And then things get really complicated in this clever and entertaining plot. Secret crushes abound, all amusing and entertaining. Stellar cast (Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon and a bunch of great kid actors), laughs and those Gosling abs! 4½ cans.
138. Lost in America (1985) ¬– When ad man David (Albert Brooks) fails to get the promotion to which he feels entitled, he convinces his wife Linda (Julie Hagerty) to quit her job, liquidate their assets and buy a Winnebago so they can travel the country and find themselves. First stop? Las Vegas, where Linda manages to gamble away their “nest egg” while David sleeps. Can two yuppies become two hippies and live off the land? This is a clever comedy, filled with hilarious Brooks rants (he wrote the script, much of which sounds and seems improvised). The understated Hagerty‘s performance balances Brooks’ over-the-top madness. The best scene in the movie is when the adman Brooks tries to sell casino boss Garry Marshall on the idea of returning their money as a sure-fire way to attract more gamblers, despite Marshall’s contention that then everyone will want their money back. This movie is a winner. 4 cans.
139. Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm* (2015) – If you have ever had someone squeeze exactly one inch of toothpaste onto your brush, or if someone has ironed your shoelaces, you have received the royal treatment. This behind-the-scenes documentary on Amazon Prime showcases the tasks, menial and more, that the staff of 1200 people who serve the British Monarchy undertake – for small wages – to serve royalty. This chatty film reveals secrets that should be covered by the signing of a non-disclosure agreement, but which the staff has shared anyway. Paul Burrell, long-time butler to Prince Charles and Lady Diana, readily tells some of the requirements of the positions. Walking the Queen’s Corgis is high on the list, as is the ironing of the sheets and most everything else and more that we all saw on “Downton Abbey.” 3 cans, because behind-the-scenes stuff always fascinates me.
140. Harriet* (2019) – This movie covers the legendary life of Harriet Tubman, a slave who runs away from Maryland to Philadelphia, where she becomes the best-known activist in the Underground Railroad, transporting slaves from the south to the north in search of freedom. Tubman (a stoic and charismatic Cynthia Erivo) ultimately was responsible for liberating hundreds of slaves with a blend of heroism and her belief that God gave her the strength and wisdom to act. The movie is an impressive accounting of Tubman’s ability to move stealthily back and forth, to disguise herself and to fear nothing. My only criticism is that she seems a bit like Wonder Woman at times. However, to me, the most important part of the movie was the realization that the majority of Southern white people saw themselves as the superior race and that owning slaves was their birthright. How anyone could justify owning another person just rocked me. It is remarkable that more than 100 years have passed and there persists this sense of superiority among some people that continues to manifest itself in everyday occurrences even in 2019. Harriet may be a hero, but so many of the people in this movie are the scum of the earth. 4 cans.
141. The Preppy Murder* (2019) – This multi-part series (aired on AMC and Sundance networks on TV) recounts the 1986 murder of Jennifer Levin by Robert Chambers, who killed the 18-year old in Central Park but claimed it was an accident that occurred during an episode of “rough sex.” This might have been the start of the “blame the victim” defense, and it was certainly a clear example of what we now refer to as “white privilege.” Chambers was tall, dark and handsome, living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and moved among a crowd of sons and daughters of the rich and famous. He was quickly identified as the killer and offered up a story that Jennifer was the aggressor and he was the victim, which his attorneys enhanced through a PR campaign that made him seem like a choirboy. The case was front-page news all over the city, and just getting a jury on the case was difficult because everyone in NYC knew about it from daily headlines. In case you don’t remember the conclusion of the case, I won’t discuss it here, but it is safe to say that being tall, dark and handsome doesn’t mean you are not a monster. 3½ cans.
142. Love Actually (2003) – I cannot possibly review this movie again, because by now EVERYONE knows I love it. The characters, the plot, the actors and even the songs make it a practically perfect romantic comedy, with Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson almost stealing the show. Just watch it if you haven’t already and you will see what I mean. The only flaw I can site is the irrelevant story about the porn actors who fall in love. That arc can be excised, and you wouldn’t miss it. 5 cans.
143. Very Ralph Lauren* (2019) – Ralph Lifschitz started as a boy in the Bronx and became an American icon, a fashion designer who had no training and couldn’t sketch but possessed the vision to develop clothing and create lifestyles for the past 50 years. This documentary on HBO lionizes him and his incredible sense of taste and style. From rich fabrics to layering, newly-named Lauren set new standards with his ubiquitous Polo brand that practically everyone recognizes. His name and tastes helped define style in America. 3 cans.
144. The Good Liar* (2019) – The title of this intriguing drama points to the main premise; there are plenty of lies and liars here, and good ones at that. Helen Mirren plays a widow who meets Roy (Ian McKellan) on-line and the two start up a relationship. Both are older people who have lost their spouses, and they seem very compatible, although she is not looking for a romantic relationship. Turns out, neither is he. Roy is a con man, interested in bilking the wealthy widow out of her money. He’s done it before, and he relishes the chase in doing it again. He’s not who he seems to be, a nice, gentle older man. And Mirren isn’t exactly merely a genteel woman, for that matter. It’s hard to say more without spilling the beans on the plot, but it is worth seeing this movie both for the performances of these mature actors as well as for a story with twists and turns. Cleverly done. 3½ cans.
145. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood* (2019) – I really expected to LOVE this movie. After all, it features the always-reliable actor Tom Hanks as children’s education and TV icon Mr. Rogers, and who can say or even think ill of either of these gentlemen? But, to be honest, I found this film less than satisfying, bordering on boredom, as I sat through scenes where Mr. Rogers and a journalist named Lloyd (Mathew Rhys) sit across the table from each other in virtual silence. No wonder my companion and I fell asleep! Lloyd is assigned to write a magazine article about Mr. Rogers, and the cynical writer cannot find fault with the kindly Rogers. Enduring an awkward relationship with his own father makes Lloyd doubt the genuineness of Mr. Rogers, who eventually influences the young writer to reconnect with his family. There are no revelations here, no smoking guns or aspersions to cast. If you are looking for action, explosions, weapons or fighting, you are in the wrong neighborhood. 3 cans, mostly for kindness.
146. October Sky (1999) – A teenaged Jake Gyllenhaal plays high school student Homer Hickman, who, with his buddies, tries to create and launch rockets. Inspired by Soviet success with Sputnik, Homer eschews working in the coal mines of his West Virginia town, where his father and so many other residents work. His hero is Werner Von Braun, but in his tiny town, no one has resources or expertise outside the mine, so he and his friends, who became known as the “rocket boys,” had to be resourceful to get what they needed to create a rocket and compete in a contest for college scholarships. The one person who encourages him is a high school teacher (Laura Dern), who believes he can achieve his dreams. A bit melodramatic for my taste, but the movie is based on a true story, so I cannot scoff at it. 3 cans.
147. Strictly Background* (2007) – Imagine a funeral scene in a movie without people crying in the background, or a scene in a restaurant where only the stars of the movie are dining. That’s where “extras” come in, those people who have no lines but often stand in lines, hoping to be cast and hoping to see more than just their feet or the top of their heads in the film. They look like all of the rest of us, though sometimes looking like a specific “type” helps them get the job. This documentary focuses on 10 extras who constantly reach out to casting agencies and try to make an impression strong enough to land a part. And if they do, the pay scale is not even enough to live on. I thought this was a sad movie about people with very limited aspirations who relish every bone thrown their way and proudly point out the millisecond many of them appear – strictly in the background. Nonetheless, their roles help make a scene come to life. 3 cans.
148. The Object of My Affection (1998) – The ageless Jennifer Anniston and Paul Rudd play good friends Nina and George. They live together, enjoy watching movies and taking ballroom dancing lessons. They have so much in common – including the fact that they both like men. When Nina finds herself pregnant by her erstwhile boyfriend Vince, whom she tolerates but will never want to marry, she asks George, the loving friend who has no one special in his life (at least right now), to help her raise the baby. And then it gets complicated, as Nina’s growing affection for George cannot be returned in kind. This is a touching story about whom we love and how we love, with a large cast of characters (Alan Alda, Allison Janney, Ira Pankow) and new and old relationships. Plenty of charm makes it worth 3½ cans.
149. American Son* (2019) – It is a rainy night in Florida, and an anguished woman (Kerry Washington) paces around a police station waiting for news about her missing son, Jamal. She is worried, bitter, angry and mystified by the lone police officer who cannot seem to give her an update on why she was contacted, what “incident” her son was involved in, and where he is. The arrival of her white husband (Steven Pasquale) only serves to exacerbate the tension between the black woman and the young, white cop and the black officer who arrives at the station to handle the case. I saw a stage production of this story last year at the George Street Playhouse, so I knew what to expect, but seeing it on the small screen was nearly as intense as seeing it live. Don’t watch this movie unless you can devote your full attention to it. Washington, especially, commands it. This powerful drama is airing on Netflix. 4 cans.
150. Moonlight Mile* (2002) – It must be Jake Gyllenhaal Month here since this is my 2nd Jake movie. Here he plays Joe, a young man mourning the loss of his fiancé, who was killed randomly while sitting in a local restaurant. Her parents, Ben and JoJo (Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon), cling to him for comfort, taking him into their home, their hearts and Ben’s business. No one asks him what HE wants, and he’s too quiet and shy to confess to them that he and their daughter actually had broken up three weeks before her death. Their palpable grief seems somewhat better with Joe around, since his presence and the pending court case against the shooter give them something to rail against instead of each other. But Joe is not facing reality, and when he meets a local waitress/postmaster, he faces the fact that he is living a lie. I don’t get the significance of the title, and I would have appreciated a bit more dialog from Joe, whose inner thoughts were not always obvious to me. And he has a horrible haircut. 3 cans.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Random Thoughts by Tina -- The Fall Edition
The cinnamon in my spice cabinet looks so much like the paprika that it is only a matter of time before some of the former ends up on a steak.
The other day I walked by a bakery and did not go in to buy anything. Now I think I deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor. And a cookie.
I don’t care what the calendar says; to me, it’s winter. The flannel sheets are on the bed, the mattress pad is turned on, the towel warmer awaits. It is dark by 5 and there has already been snow in the forecast. I’m not ready, mind you, but I am resigned to it. But wasn’t it just yesterday I was complaining about the heat? Now I can start complaining about the cold! I turned on the heat a month ago and banned the consumption of ice cream in my house. Bring on the soup!
When did homemade soup become such a craze? At the first sign of cold weather, Facebook is flooded with pictures of steaming homemade soup. Even I make a few homemade soups, but years ago heating a can of Campbell’s Chunky was acceptable. That said, I had better pull out the Dutch oven and start making soup!
Speaking of which, recently I was confused when I bought prepared soup at ShopRite that came in a plastic container and was labeled as “homemade.” Unless Judy from Accounting made it at home, how could this be anything but store-bought?
If you have a wrinkled garment, you are supposed to hang it in the bathroom while you take a shower and the wrinkles will go away. Why doesn’t that work on my body?
I have noticed that the mailboxes in my area now have such a tiny slot for the mail that we will all be stuffing our Holiday cards in there one at a time. I assume that this shrinking of the slot is a security measure, but the line at the drive-through mailbox will be longer than the line at Dunkin Donuts for Christmas Card mailings this year.
Making new friends means I have a new audience for my old stories that the old friends are no doubt sick of hearing by now.
Why do we sneeze? And why do we sneeze in patterns (I go for two sneezes, for example). Anyone? Anyone?
I have watched enough episodes of “20/20,” 48 Hours” and “Dateline” to know that we are always being followed and tracked, from pings from our cell phones, EZ Pass tolls, cameras mounted on traffic lights, your neighbors' and stores' security cameras, timestamped receipts and more. Just assume that unless you are abducted, your every step is traceable, all your messages will exist indefinitely and there will be a record of any crime you commit.
I think I used most of the hour I saved going from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time to change my clocks. No two clocks in this house ever seem to be at the same time.
Please don’t tell anyone, but I am using hand cream on my feet. For now. Let’s keep this information our little secret.
Does everything have to come in pumpkin flavor or scent this time of year?
Whomever the grammar powers that be are, they recently decided that hyphenating a compound adjective was no longer necessary. Does that mean it is now incorrect to continue to follow the original rules? Despite what anyone says, I will continue to hyphenate, since this old dog is not ready, willing or able to learn a new trick.
When you get to a more mature age, like me, you begin to care less about what people think of you because they really don’t spend much time thinking of you at all.
At the top of my email this morning was an ad for Bail Bonds and how I could find my local bondsman. Maybe someone thought my birthday was way more raucous than it actually was. One of my friends said she would bake me a cake with a hacksaw in it. Yes, I have talented – and sketchy – friends.
The good news: When I recently ran out of strawberry jam, I remembered that I had an unopened jar of it in my pantry. Bad news: The unopened jar expired 6 months ago. And no, Jo, I am not eating it!
In all of the decades that I have watched baseball – and we are going back to 1959 here – I have never understood the reason for all that spitting. Who has that much saliva? How does it accumulate? Or is it sunflower seeds? All I know is that whenever I played a sport, I was always dry and couldn’t summon spit even if I wanted to – and I don’t.
Damn you, Hallmark! Not EVERYONE wants to start watching your endless Christmas movies in October. In my case, never! And Christmas music is already playing on multiple radio stations. I miss my Golden Girls.
I don’t think I have ever used any brand of Ketchup but Heinz. And my mayonnaise must be Hellman’s. And my tuna? It’s Bumble Bee or nothing for me (with NO mayonnaise!). You have to admire my brand loyalty (or stubborn streak).
When you have been friends with someone for 50+ years, your conversations not only include family and friends, but may drift over into such mundane topics as what you use to clean your toilet. So, I’ll share that I tried using a pumice stone to eliminate the ring around the bowl and had a successful outcome.
Why do I get creeped out by a shopping list found in the bottom of the cart? I’ll always try to get a different cart to avoid that situation, because I don’t want to touch the list to remove it.
For my AADC Book Club this month, we are reading “Educated” (seems appropriate for a college alumnae association). I read this book months ago, and now I am frantically re-reading it so I can recall the details and participate in the discussion. I may have to pull an all-nighter to get this done before tomorrow’s meeting! PS – It is a great book and worth reading, though I'm not sure it is worth reading twice!
The other day I walked by a bakery and did not go in to buy anything. Now I think I deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor. And a cookie.
I don’t care what the calendar says; to me, it’s winter. The flannel sheets are on the bed, the mattress pad is turned on, the towel warmer awaits. It is dark by 5 and there has already been snow in the forecast. I’m not ready, mind you, but I am resigned to it. But wasn’t it just yesterday I was complaining about the heat? Now I can start complaining about the cold! I turned on the heat a month ago and banned the consumption of ice cream in my house. Bring on the soup!
When did homemade soup become such a craze? At the first sign of cold weather, Facebook is flooded with pictures of steaming homemade soup. Even I make a few homemade soups, but years ago heating a can of Campbell’s Chunky was acceptable. That said, I had better pull out the Dutch oven and start making soup!
Speaking of which, recently I was confused when I bought prepared soup at ShopRite that came in a plastic container and was labeled as “homemade.” Unless Judy from Accounting made it at home, how could this be anything but store-bought?
If you have a wrinkled garment, you are supposed to hang it in the bathroom while you take a shower and the wrinkles will go away. Why doesn’t that work on my body?
I have noticed that the mailboxes in my area now have such a tiny slot for the mail that we will all be stuffing our Holiday cards in there one at a time. I assume that this shrinking of the slot is a security measure, but the line at the drive-through mailbox will be longer than the line at Dunkin Donuts for Christmas Card mailings this year.
Making new friends means I have a new audience for my old stories that the old friends are no doubt sick of hearing by now.
Why do we sneeze? And why do we sneeze in patterns (I go for two sneezes, for example). Anyone? Anyone?
I have watched enough episodes of “20/20,” 48 Hours” and “Dateline” to know that we are always being followed and tracked, from pings from our cell phones, EZ Pass tolls, cameras mounted on traffic lights, your neighbors' and stores' security cameras, timestamped receipts and more. Just assume that unless you are abducted, your every step is traceable, all your messages will exist indefinitely and there will be a record of any crime you commit.
I think I used most of the hour I saved going from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time to change my clocks. No two clocks in this house ever seem to be at the same time.
Please don’t tell anyone, but I am using hand cream on my feet. For now. Let’s keep this information our little secret.
Does everything have to come in pumpkin flavor or scent this time of year?
Whomever the grammar powers that be are, they recently decided that hyphenating a compound adjective was no longer necessary. Does that mean it is now incorrect to continue to follow the original rules? Despite what anyone says, I will continue to hyphenate, since this old dog is not ready, willing or able to learn a new trick.
When you get to a more mature age, like me, you begin to care less about what people think of you because they really don’t spend much time thinking of you at all.
At the top of my email this morning was an ad for Bail Bonds and how I could find my local bondsman. Maybe someone thought my birthday was way more raucous than it actually was. One of my friends said she would bake me a cake with a hacksaw in it. Yes, I have talented – and sketchy – friends.
The good news: When I recently ran out of strawberry jam, I remembered that I had an unopened jar of it in my pantry. Bad news: The unopened jar expired 6 months ago. And no, Jo, I am not eating it!
In all of the decades that I have watched baseball – and we are going back to 1959 here – I have never understood the reason for all that spitting. Who has that much saliva? How does it accumulate? Or is it sunflower seeds? All I know is that whenever I played a sport, I was always dry and couldn’t summon spit even if I wanted to – and I don’t.
Damn you, Hallmark! Not EVERYONE wants to start watching your endless Christmas movies in October. In my case, never! And Christmas music is already playing on multiple radio stations. I miss my Golden Girls.
I don’t think I have ever used any brand of Ketchup but Heinz. And my mayonnaise must be Hellman’s. And my tuna? It’s Bumble Bee or nothing for me (with NO mayonnaise!). You have to admire my brand loyalty (or stubborn streak).
When you have been friends with someone for 50+ years, your conversations not only include family and friends, but may drift over into such mundane topics as what you use to clean your toilet. So, I’ll share that I tried using a pumice stone to eliminate the ring around the bowl and had a successful outcome.
Why do I get creeped out by a shopping list found in the bottom of the cart? I’ll always try to get a different cart to avoid that situation, because I don’t want to touch the list to remove it.
For my AADC Book Club this month, we are reading “Educated” (seems appropriate for a college alumnae association). I read this book months ago, and now I am frantically re-reading it so I can recall the details and participate in the discussion. I may have to pull an all-nighter to get this done before tomorrow’s meeting! PS – It is a great book and worth reading, though I'm not sure it is worth reading twice!
Friday, November 1, 2019
Tina's October 2019 Movies
The October movies are a very random collection of new and old, documentaries and comedies, all rated on a scale of 1-5 cans of tuna fish, with 5 being the top score. Numbering picks up from previous months and movies I had not seen previously are marked with an asterisk.
125. Working Girl (1988) – Big hair and massive shoulder pads place this women’s empowerment rom-com squarely in the 1980s, or otherwise it would be hard to believe that 31 years have passed since it came out. Melanie Griffiths is Tess, a hard-working young woman trying to make her way up the ladder in an investment company. Her unreliable Staten Island boyfriend Mick (a young and very handsome Alec Baldwin) may or may not propose, and he doesn’t care about her career path. Her best friend Cynthia (played with even bigger hair by Joan Cusak), is always there to help her out. When her brand-new but well-connected boss Katherine (Sigorney Weaver) comes aboard with promises they are a “team,” and she can mentor Tess (who is just slightly older than the boss), she believes her but quickly feels betrayed when Katherine steals her idea for a big business deal. While Katherine recovers from a skiing accident, Tess reaches out to a company and makes her pitch to Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford) and moves to close all deals. This movie makes the strong pitch for women to earn the opportunity to move up on their own merits and exposes the “Me, too” abuse of women and the “old boy” network that blocks their progress. The theme, the performances and the soaring Carly Simon theme song, “Let the Rivers Run,” make this an anthem for the 80s for women that still applies today. Cusack, an underrated comic actor, gets the best lines (“Sometimes I dance around the house in my underwear. Don’t make me Madonna. Never will.”) 4 cans.
126. Produced by George Martin* (2011) – If you recognize the name George Martin – or, actually, SIR George Martin – it is likely as the producer of songs by the Beatles. Martin brought creativity, imagination and a great love and respect for music to his work as the Beatles’ main producer. He arranged, scored and produced their greatest hits, marrying their music with orchestras, strings and other sounds that elevated it far beyond the pop music of the 1960s. Classically trained and with experience as a producer of comedy albums, Martin seemed like an unlikely choice for the lads from Liverpool, but their relationship for the most part was a very successful one. Martin went on to produce music for many artists, among them Stevie Wonder, Sting, Jeff Beck and others. This amiable stroll through the acclaimed producer’s career and life with his beloved wife was like visiting old friends. You can catch it on Amazon Prime Video. 3½ cans.
127. Where’s MY Roy Cohn*? (2019) – Unscrupulous, cunning, unethical – and brilliant. This movie is an absorbing look at the late lawyer Roy Cohn, relentless pursuer of Communists, a prosecutor in the Rosenberg case, and boy wonder counsel to the Senator Joseph McCarthy, Chair of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the 50s. Cohn was blessed with an unworldly memory and a penchant for mowing down anything in his way. His power grew as he represented the rich and famous, New York mobsters, politicians and a young real estate magnet named Donald Trump. Cohn lived by his personal credo: Never apologize and never admit anything. Instead, attack, attack, attack to divert focus from the real issues and try to pummel the opposition at all times. There is plenty of historical footage here to show Cohn as an immoral man with a huge rolodex of powerful allies, but when he was eventually disbarred, he lost not only his credentials to practice law but also his collection of headline-making friends who abandoned him. He was ruthless and amoral and destructive. Just the kind of guy who set the stage for those rich and powerful people who followed him. 4 cans, if you can overlook the slime of this man.
128. The Laundromat* (2019) – I rarely miss a Meryl Streep movie, but this is an odd one. Meryl is Ellen, a woman whose husband dies when a ferry sinks. She figures she can count on the insurance policy carried by the ferry company, but the insurance company has changed hands and is nearly impossible to track down despite the dowdy widow’s best efforts. Meanwhile, on hand with a continuing explanation of how companies protect themselves by forming shell companies off-shore are Antonio Bandaras and Gary Oldham, two slick-talking foreign operatives whose pleasure in life is bilking the public. This story is layered with complexities and to follow it is like diagramming a sentence (can anyone still do that?). I was lost and felt my eyes glazing over as if I were reading the provisions of an insurance policy – which is exactly how you are supposed to feel. It did pay off in the end, however. There is plenty of dirty washing going on at this laundromat. 3½ cans.
129. Patsy and Loretta* (2019) – Megan Hilty plays Patsy Cline and Jesse Mueller portrays her BFF Loretta Lynn in this Lifetime movie about the deep friendship between the two country music legends. Patsy was already an established performer who had not yet reached the height of her fame when she friended newcomer and wide-eyed innocent Loretta Lynn. Loretta was pushed into performing by her husband Doo, and Patsy, sensing her as yet untapped talent, took the neophyte performer under her wing. The two women became fast friends, sharing stories about the challenges of balancing their careers and their families and coping with their sometimes less-than-reliable husbands as they forged their lasting bond. Hilty plays the stronger character and handles the role and the singing with equal aplomb. Mueller holds her own as Loretta Lynn, a young woman who never rode in a car until she met the man who became her husband at age 15. I don’t want to give away the story, so I’ll just say that it was nice to see two real women with talent support and uplift each other, rather than compete. 3½ cans.
130. Love, Rosie* (2014) – Alert the media! I finally found something to watch on Amazon Prime that was not a documentary and I didn’t take an hour to find it. This charmer is all about timing. Rosie and Alex are best friends from childhood to adulthood, but complications make being in love with the right person at the right time elusive. When does friendship cross the line into romance? When does commitment mean more than just friendship? You know it will all work out in the end since the story is predictable, but when the lines are said with an Irish accent, the movie moves up in class. Lily Collins and Sam Clafin are just so adorable and meant to be together that you can almost overlook the fact that they don’t get it. 3½ cans.
131. Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) – When it comes to movies about young people, John Hughes – who wrote and produced this movie – IS some kind of wonderful. Here he features Keith (Eric Stolz) and Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson) as best high school buddies. He has a crush on Amanda, the snooty, popular girl (Lea Thompson), who is practically the property of the snobby but handsome rich guy (played by Craig Shaffer), while tomboyish Watts has a major crush on Keith. Of course, he is completely unaware that she is hopelessly devoted to him. There is the usual high school foolishness, the caste system and the mean girls, plus Keith’s blue-collar father, who desperately wants Keith to exceed his own career by attending college. There are the tough guys and the nice kids and the potential for mayhem when Keith asks out the popular Amanda and then finds that he has been targeted for a beating by her ex. Despite the clichés, this is a sweet movie and Stolz and Masterson shine. 3½ cans.
132. Back to School (1986) – You have to like Rodney Dangerfield in all his twitchy best to like his movies, and this one is one of the best. He is self-made zillionaire Thornton Melon, owner of a chain of men’s big and tall shops, who decides he wants to go to college with his son Jason (Keith Gordon). He has no qualms hitting on an attractive teacher (Sally Kellerman) despite her busy schedule (“Call me some time when you have no class,” he tells her in the best line in the film.). He walks around campus handing out pens, springing for textbooks (“Shakespeare for everyone,” he proclaims in the bookstore) and leading general rowdiness. He’s not a studious student, so when he needs help with Kurt Vonnegut, he calls on the real Kurt Vonnegut. This is not great filmmaking, but every once in a while I like to have a good laugh. I DO have respect for Rodney! 3½ cans.
133. Easy Money (1983) – I’m on a Rodney Dangerfield roll. In this ribald comedy, he is Monty Capuletti, a man always looking for a big score – along with pizza and beer. When his wealthy mother-in-law dies in a plane crash, she leaves him the bulk of her estate with one little, tiny catch: He must reform himself, stop drinking, smoking and gambling and get into shape – all of which hardly seems worth the potential windfall to him. But thinking of his wife and kids, he gives it a shot. Hanging around with his low-brow friends – especially Nicky the plumber (Joe Pesci) – means there is temptation around every corner. This movie is not as funny as “Back to School,” but the scenes where all the guests at his daughter’s wedding are crammed into his small Staten Island backyard, and when he and Nicky have to pick up the wedding cake and keep it from falling over by wedging it against a toilet in the back of Nicky’s plumbing truck are hilarious. A little low-brow humor goes a long way. 3 cans.
134. Cliff Diving* (2019) – How would you handle a life-changing setback? In the case of accomplished diver Cliff DeVries, the challenge was more than merely surviving a tumor on this spine that gave him a life-expectancy of months, not years, when he was a 21- year old college diver. He was losing function of his arm and shoulder. Surgery on his spine removed the tumor but left him severely impaired on one side and virtually unable to walk, no less dive. He was supposed to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But Cliff worked hard with therapists to learn how to walk and turned his passion for the sport in a different direction, becoming the diving coach at Rochester Institute of Technology. Even though he cannot demonstrate technique to his young charges – including several All-Americans – he can teach them and inspire them to improve their skills. And each year on his birthday, Cliff drags himself slowly, with divers surrounding him, climbs up to the diving board and dives into the pool. This remarkable man and his inspirational story are part of the “E:60” series streaming on ESPN. In a movie with the perfect title, “Cliff Diving” challenges all of us to overcome the worst to be the best. 4 cans and a major assist from my dear friend Colleen, who saw this documentary and recommended it.
135. Studio 54* (2018) – In the 70s, the rich, the famous and the outrageous had their own glitzy playground with the rise of Studio 54 in New York. Entrepreneurs and long-time college friends Steve Rubell and Ian Shrager opened the disco on the city’s unfashionable West Side and attracted a crowd that only New York could create. The disco became the place to go for Mick and Bianca, Halston and Capote, Liza and Cher, as well as outrageously-garbed (or barely dressed) non-celebs who shelled out money (the rich and famous were comped) to dance to the pulsating beat and perhaps indulge in their favorite drugs…and more. The fall of the legendary club came as swiftly as the rise, as the pair were investigated for tax evasion, distribution of drugs and operating without a liquor license and eventually they served time in jail. This documentary (available on Netflix) shows it all – the glamour, the arrogance, the hubris of Rubell (who just wanted to have fun and be a star himself) and Shrager, the more introverted of the pair. This documentary is a flashback to an era when so many of the key players in the story died of AIDS. 3½ cans.
125. Working Girl (1988) – Big hair and massive shoulder pads place this women’s empowerment rom-com squarely in the 1980s, or otherwise it would be hard to believe that 31 years have passed since it came out. Melanie Griffiths is Tess, a hard-working young woman trying to make her way up the ladder in an investment company. Her unreliable Staten Island boyfriend Mick (a young and very handsome Alec Baldwin) may or may not propose, and he doesn’t care about her career path. Her best friend Cynthia (played with even bigger hair by Joan Cusak), is always there to help her out. When her brand-new but well-connected boss Katherine (Sigorney Weaver) comes aboard with promises they are a “team,” and she can mentor Tess (who is just slightly older than the boss), she believes her but quickly feels betrayed when Katherine steals her idea for a big business deal. While Katherine recovers from a skiing accident, Tess reaches out to a company and makes her pitch to Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford) and moves to close all deals. This movie makes the strong pitch for women to earn the opportunity to move up on their own merits and exposes the “Me, too” abuse of women and the “old boy” network that blocks their progress. The theme, the performances and the soaring Carly Simon theme song, “Let the Rivers Run,” make this an anthem for the 80s for women that still applies today. Cusack, an underrated comic actor, gets the best lines (“Sometimes I dance around the house in my underwear. Don’t make me Madonna. Never will.”) 4 cans.
126. Produced by George Martin* (2011) – If you recognize the name George Martin – or, actually, SIR George Martin – it is likely as the producer of songs by the Beatles. Martin brought creativity, imagination and a great love and respect for music to his work as the Beatles’ main producer. He arranged, scored and produced their greatest hits, marrying their music with orchestras, strings and other sounds that elevated it far beyond the pop music of the 1960s. Classically trained and with experience as a producer of comedy albums, Martin seemed like an unlikely choice for the lads from Liverpool, but their relationship for the most part was a very successful one. Martin went on to produce music for many artists, among them Stevie Wonder, Sting, Jeff Beck and others. This amiable stroll through the acclaimed producer’s career and life with his beloved wife was like visiting old friends. You can catch it on Amazon Prime Video. 3½ cans.
127. Where’s MY Roy Cohn*? (2019) – Unscrupulous, cunning, unethical – and brilliant. This movie is an absorbing look at the late lawyer Roy Cohn, relentless pursuer of Communists, a prosecutor in the Rosenberg case, and boy wonder counsel to the Senator Joseph McCarthy, Chair of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the 50s. Cohn was blessed with an unworldly memory and a penchant for mowing down anything in his way. His power grew as he represented the rich and famous, New York mobsters, politicians and a young real estate magnet named Donald Trump. Cohn lived by his personal credo: Never apologize and never admit anything. Instead, attack, attack, attack to divert focus from the real issues and try to pummel the opposition at all times. There is plenty of historical footage here to show Cohn as an immoral man with a huge rolodex of powerful allies, but when he was eventually disbarred, he lost not only his credentials to practice law but also his collection of headline-making friends who abandoned him. He was ruthless and amoral and destructive. Just the kind of guy who set the stage for those rich and powerful people who followed him. 4 cans, if you can overlook the slime of this man.
128. The Laundromat* (2019) – I rarely miss a Meryl Streep movie, but this is an odd one. Meryl is Ellen, a woman whose husband dies when a ferry sinks. She figures she can count on the insurance policy carried by the ferry company, but the insurance company has changed hands and is nearly impossible to track down despite the dowdy widow’s best efforts. Meanwhile, on hand with a continuing explanation of how companies protect themselves by forming shell companies off-shore are Antonio Bandaras and Gary Oldham, two slick-talking foreign operatives whose pleasure in life is bilking the public. This story is layered with complexities and to follow it is like diagramming a sentence (can anyone still do that?). I was lost and felt my eyes glazing over as if I were reading the provisions of an insurance policy – which is exactly how you are supposed to feel. It did pay off in the end, however. There is plenty of dirty washing going on at this laundromat. 3½ cans.
129. Patsy and Loretta* (2019) – Megan Hilty plays Patsy Cline and Jesse Mueller portrays her BFF Loretta Lynn in this Lifetime movie about the deep friendship between the two country music legends. Patsy was already an established performer who had not yet reached the height of her fame when she friended newcomer and wide-eyed innocent Loretta Lynn. Loretta was pushed into performing by her husband Doo, and Patsy, sensing her as yet untapped talent, took the neophyte performer under her wing. The two women became fast friends, sharing stories about the challenges of balancing their careers and their families and coping with their sometimes less-than-reliable husbands as they forged their lasting bond. Hilty plays the stronger character and handles the role and the singing with equal aplomb. Mueller holds her own as Loretta Lynn, a young woman who never rode in a car until she met the man who became her husband at age 15. I don’t want to give away the story, so I’ll just say that it was nice to see two real women with talent support and uplift each other, rather than compete. 3½ cans.
130. Love, Rosie* (2014) – Alert the media! I finally found something to watch on Amazon Prime that was not a documentary and I didn’t take an hour to find it. This charmer is all about timing. Rosie and Alex are best friends from childhood to adulthood, but complications make being in love with the right person at the right time elusive. When does friendship cross the line into romance? When does commitment mean more than just friendship? You know it will all work out in the end since the story is predictable, but when the lines are said with an Irish accent, the movie moves up in class. Lily Collins and Sam Clafin are just so adorable and meant to be together that you can almost overlook the fact that they don’t get it. 3½ cans.
131. Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) – When it comes to movies about young people, John Hughes – who wrote and produced this movie – IS some kind of wonderful. Here he features Keith (Eric Stolz) and Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson) as best high school buddies. He has a crush on Amanda, the snooty, popular girl (Lea Thompson), who is practically the property of the snobby but handsome rich guy (played by Craig Shaffer), while tomboyish Watts has a major crush on Keith. Of course, he is completely unaware that she is hopelessly devoted to him. There is the usual high school foolishness, the caste system and the mean girls, plus Keith’s blue-collar father, who desperately wants Keith to exceed his own career by attending college. There are the tough guys and the nice kids and the potential for mayhem when Keith asks out the popular Amanda and then finds that he has been targeted for a beating by her ex. Despite the clichés, this is a sweet movie and Stolz and Masterson shine. 3½ cans.
132. Back to School (1986) – You have to like Rodney Dangerfield in all his twitchy best to like his movies, and this one is one of the best. He is self-made zillionaire Thornton Melon, owner of a chain of men’s big and tall shops, who decides he wants to go to college with his son Jason (Keith Gordon). He has no qualms hitting on an attractive teacher (Sally Kellerman) despite her busy schedule (“Call me some time when you have no class,” he tells her in the best line in the film.). He walks around campus handing out pens, springing for textbooks (“Shakespeare for everyone,” he proclaims in the bookstore) and leading general rowdiness. He’s not a studious student, so when he needs help with Kurt Vonnegut, he calls on the real Kurt Vonnegut. This is not great filmmaking, but every once in a while I like to have a good laugh. I DO have respect for Rodney! 3½ cans.
133. Easy Money (1983) – I’m on a Rodney Dangerfield roll. In this ribald comedy, he is Monty Capuletti, a man always looking for a big score – along with pizza and beer. When his wealthy mother-in-law dies in a plane crash, she leaves him the bulk of her estate with one little, tiny catch: He must reform himself, stop drinking, smoking and gambling and get into shape – all of which hardly seems worth the potential windfall to him. But thinking of his wife and kids, he gives it a shot. Hanging around with his low-brow friends – especially Nicky the plumber (Joe Pesci) – means there is temptation around every corner. This movie is not as funny as “Back to School,” but the scenes where all the guests at his daughter’s wedding are crammed into his small Staten Island backyard, and when he and Nicky have to pick up the wedding cake and keep it from falling over by wedging it against a toilet in the back of Nicky’s plumbing truck are hilarious. A little low-brow humor goes a long way. 3 cans.
134. Cliff Diving* (2019) – How would you handle a life-changing setback? In the case of accomplished diver Cliff DeVries, the challenge was more than merely surviving a tumor on this spine that gave him a life-expectancy of months, not years, when he was a 21- year old college diver. He was losing function of his arm and shoulder. Surgery on his spine removed the tumor but left him severely impaired on one side and virtually unable to walk, no less dive. He was supposed to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But Cliff worked hard with therapists to learn how to walk and turned his passion for the sport in a different direction, becoming the diving coach at Rochester Institute of Technology. Even though he cannot demonstrate technique to his young charges – including several All-Americans – he can teach them and inspire them to improve their skills. And each year on his birthday, Cliff drags himself slowly, with divers surrounding him, climbs up to the diving board and dives into the pool. This remarkable man and his inspirational story are part of the “E:60” series streaming on ESPN. In a movie with the perfect title, “Cliff Diving” challenges all of us to overcome the worst to be the best. 4 cans and a major assist from my dear friend Colleen, who saw this documentary and recommended it.
135. Studio 54* (2018) – In the 70s, the rich, the famous and the outrageous had their own glitzy playground with the rise of Studio 54 in New York. Entrepreneurs and long-time college friends Steve Rubell and Ian Shrager opened the disco on the city’s unfashionable West Side and attracted a crowd that only New York could create. The disco became the place to go for Mick and Bianca, Halston and Capote, Liza and Cher, as well as outrageously-garbed (or barely dressed) non-celebs who shelled out money (the rich and famous were comped) to dance to the pulsating beat and perhaps indulge in their favorite drugs…and more. The fall of the legendary club came as swiftly as the rise, as the pair were investigated for tax evasion, distribution of drugs and operating without a liquor license and eventually they served time in jail. This documentary (available on Netflix) shows it all – the glamour, the arrogance, the hubris of Rubell (who just wanted to have fun and be a star himself) and Shrager, the more introverted of the pair. This documentary is a flashback to an era when so many of the key players in the story died of AIDS. 3½ cans.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Random Returns!
I am returning to random thoughts once again this month with these ditties for your reading pleasure. Feel free to share with friends.
I am so used to speaking into my phone so that I don’t have to type that now when I leave someone a voice mail message, I find myself speaking the punctuation into the message. Period.Do you ever have so many things going on at once that you dial the phone and hear it ringing but you realize that you don’t remember who you are calling? Say it isn’t just me, please!
I would like it noted for my permanent record that, according to my dermatologist, I have “fabulous” skin. I guess she doesn’t see the wrinkles and bags that I see!
I would also like it to be noted that I am told that I have excellent veins and that I don’t even flinch when the nurse takes blood.
How is it that we can be UNDER the weather but never OVER the weather?
Here is a new pet peeve: I hate it when the doctor’s office calls but the caller uses a cell phone that is not identified as the practice, so you don’t know the identity of the caller. When that happens, I don’t answer the phone and am likely to miss an important call. If I do answer, the call is usually from someone trying to sell me a lower interest credit card or solar panels.
What do you do with that first piece of bread in a packaged loaf? It is called the heel, and I know you could eat it, but it only matches up with the heel at the end of the loaf, so you can’t use it in a sandwich without removing all of the slices in between. I think of it as the “protector” of the rest of the loaf, the piece most likely to get stale before the rest of the loaf.
Why bother to iron? The only time my ironed clothes look good is immediately after I iron them, when they are hanging in the closet. When I put them on, they almost immediately look like I slept in them. And it never looks like it was a calm and restful night, either!
I’m at the point in life that when someone tells me a story about the things we did in high school, I don’t remember being there. Not in the story, but in high school!
Somebody, please, remind me NOT to buy skin cream with cocoa butter in it. Every time I apply it to the scars on my shoulder, I smell chocolate. And I use so little at one time that I will be tortured by this jar for YEARS!
Do you live with someone whose annoying habits drive you crazy? You know, like leaving the drawers and cabinet doors open in the kitchen, leaving shoes on the floor and letting the dishes drain dry and not putting them away? Yeah, me too. And I live alone. Must. Do. Better.
Women can tell we are getting older when the amount of hair on our chin surpasses the hair on our legs.
For all others, you know you are getting older when you can no longer get up – off a chair, out of bed or from the couch – in silence. I now make the same noises my father used to make.
You know how many movies I see during the course of a year, so having a “loyalty card” at my favorite theater (Montgomery Cinema in Skillman) make sense, right? All those movies don’t add up to much with their system. I think I need to see about a million more to get even one for free!
I had to drop my car off for service and I was given a loaner for the day. But the loaner was a 2019 model that doesn’t use a regular key, so I had to figure out how to turn it on (hit the button that says “START”) and then I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. I hit the same button, but the lights and radio kept going. I had to ask someone in the neighborhood for help to turn it off. That was humiliating.
I order so much stuff on Amazon that when a package arrives now, I get excited because I can’t recall what I ordered.
The remote control for the little TV in my office has a green button and a red button. The red button is for power and the green one is to mute the sound. That arrangement flies in the face of logic, where green should be for power and the red one for mute. Strange.
If there are 1,000 shopping carts from which to choose, I invariably will get the one with the bad and noisy wheel.
My world has some kind of crazy synchronization. When one box of tissues runs out, so does a second one. When I need a new battery for a clock, something else also needs a new battery. And when one lightbulb burns out, usually another one does, too.
If you are the kind of person who always runs late, don’t even consider moving into an “active adult” community (55 and over). In my Canal Walk community, if you don’t arrive at least 10 minutes before an event starts or the bus is supposed to depart for a trip, you get a lot of dirty looks. Being early here is the norm (imagine all of those “early bird” dinners) and being on time is being late. Speaking of which, I have to go, or I won’t be early enough for my activity!
I wonder if organizing guru Marie Kondo does refrigerators. I don’t typically have much food in mine, but it could definitely benefit from her expertise. Where should I keep bottled water? Tall bottles of beverages? And while she’s here, I’ll ask her to show me how to load the dishwasher to optimize that space, too.
The voice recognition on my TV remote could use some fine-tuning. I asked for “New York Yankees” and the movie “Kinky” came up as a choice. The Yankees are kinky? That’s news to me!
I have reached critical mass on my Kindle. Maybe instead of downloading every book that people recommend, I should start just writing them down and deciding later whether I want to read them. How do I get rid of books I have read and don’t want to keep? And when am I ever going to read all of these books?
The people at the Food Network seem to take an obsessive delight in beating Bobby Flay on the show “Beating Bobby Flay.” The ubiquitous chef squares off against challengers, with each making the challenger’s signature dish. All of the judges are seasoned (no pun intended) Food Network chefs and competitors from “Iron Chef America,” “Chopped” and the many cooking competition shows aired on the network, and they seem thrilled when Bobby loses to a signature dish from his challenger. All in good fun (and good food), I guess.
I hate it when I record something on the DVR so I won't have to watch the commercials and then I watch the program but I forget that it was recorded, so I end up watching the commercials anyway. Does that make any sense?
My highlight of the summer was seeing former Rutgers Women’s Basketball player Erica Wheeler not only get selected for the WNBA All-Star team, but then capture the MVP Award with 25 points and a record-tying seven 3-pointers. I watched Erica’s whole career at Rutgers, where she was a gutsy and energetic guard who could fly down the court. The announcer would yell “3 for 3” (referring to her uniform number) each time she hit one from behind the 3-point line. Before her senior year, her mother died and she almost left Rutgers. But RU Coach C. Vivian Stringer had told her mother when she recruited Erica that she would make sure her daughter graduated, and CVS convinced her to come back. She grew up in the Miami area, once barely escaping a shootout on the streets. Erica didn’t get drafted by the WNBA. Instead, she got a regular job, then quit to follow her dream, first playing basketball in Puerto Rico, Brazil and Turkey before finally getting her chance to join the WNBA, the women’s professional league here in the US. So, this small kid, undrafted but with her degree, took advantage of every opportunity that came her way and finally made it to the bigtime, where she stood out among a group of the best players. The tears flowed as she accepted her award – by her teammates and those of us watching on TV, in addition to Erica herself. Determination and inspiration made a difference. This is why I watch sports. Skill, yes, but also that never-give-up attitude, and the time when an unheralded player makes memories for all of us. Then that moment became a part of ESPN’s ad campaign under the banner “Why we love sports.” I get chills every time I see it.
I am so used to speaking into my phone so that I don’t have to type that now when I leave someone a voice mail message, I find myself speaking the punctuation into the message. Period.Do you ever have so many things going on at once that you dial the phone and hear it ringing but you realize that you don’t remember who you are calling? Say it isn’t just me, please!
I would like it noted for my permanent record that, according to my dermatologist, I have “fabulous” skin. I guess she doesn’t see the wrinkles and bags that I see!
I would also like it to be noted that I am told that I have excellent veins and that I don’t even flinch when the nurse takes blood.
How is it that we can be UNDER the weather but never OVER the weather?
Here is a new pet peeve: I hate it when the doctor’s office calls but the caller uses a cell phone that is not identified as the practice, so you don’t know the identity of the caller. When that happens, I don’t answer the phone and am likely to miss an important call. If I do answer, the call is usually from someone trying to sell me a lower interest credit card or solar panels.
What do you do with that first piece of bread in a packaged loaf? It is called the heel, and I know you could eat it, but it only matches up with the heel at the end of the loaf, so you can’t use it in a sandwich without removing all of the slices in between. I think of it as the “protector” of the rest of the loaf, the piece most likely to get stale before the rest of the loaf.
Why bother to iron? The only time my ironed clothes look good is immediately after I iron them, when they are hanging in the closet. When I put them on, they almost immediately look like I slept in them. And it never looks like it was a calm and restful night, either!
I’m at the point in life that when someone tells me a story about the things we did in high school, I don’t remember being there. Not in the story, but in high school!
Somebody, please, remind me NOT to buy skin cream with cocoa butter in it. Every time I apply it to the scars on my shoulder, I smell chocolate. And I use so little at one time that I will be tortured by this jar for YEARS!
Do you live with someone whose annoying habits drive you crazy? You know, like leaving the drawers and cabinet doors open in the kitchen, leaving shoes on the floor and letting the dishes drain dry and not putting them away? Yeah, me too. And I live alone. Must. Do. Better.
Women can tell we are getting older when the amount of hair on our chin surpasses the hair on our legs.
For all others, you know you are getting older when you can no longer get up – off a chair, out of bed or from the couch – in silence. I now make the same noises my father used to make.
You know how many movies I see during the course of a year, so having a “loyalty card” at my favorite theater (Montgomery Cinema in Skillman) make sense, right? All those movies don’t add up to much with their system. I think I need to see about a million more to get even one for free!
I had to drop my car off for service and I was given a loaner for the day. But the loaner was a 2019 model that doesn’t use a regular key, so I had to figure out how to turn it on (hit the button that says “START”) and then I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. I hit the same button, but the lights and radio kept going. I had to ask someone in the neighborhood for help to turn it off. That was humiliating.
I order so much stuff on Amazon that when a package arrives now, I get excited because I can’t recall what I ordered.
The remote control for the little TV in my office has a green button and a red button. The red button is for power and the green one is to mute the sound. That arrangement flies in the face of logic, where green should be for power and the red one for mute. Strange.
If there are 1,000 shopping carts from which to choose, I invariably will get the one with the bad and noisy wheel.
My world has some kind of crazy synchronization. When one box of tissues runs out, so does a second one. When I need a new battery for a clock, something else also needs a new battery. And when one lightbulb burns out, usually another one does, too.
If you are the kind of person who always runs late, don’t even consider moving into an “active adult” community (55 and over). In my Canal Walk community, if you don’t arrive at least 10 minutes before an event starts or the bus is supposed to depart for a trip, you get a lot of dirty looks. Being early here is the norm (imagine all of those “early bird” dinners) and being on time is being late. Speaking of which, I have to go, or I won’t be early enough for my activity!
I wonder if organizing guru Marie Kondo does refrigerators. I don’t typically have much food in mine, but it could definitely benefit from her expertise. Where should I keep bottled water? Tall bottles of beverages? And while she’s here, I’ll ask her to show me how to load the dishwasher to optimize that space, too.
The voice recognition on my TV remote could use some fine-tuning. I asked for “New York Yankees” and the movie “Kinky” came up as a choice. The Yankees are kinky? That’s news to me!
I have reached critical mass on my Kindle. Maybe instead of downloading every book that people recommend, I should start just writing them down and deciding later whether I want to read them. How do I get rid of books I have read and don’t want to keep? And when am I ever going to read all of these books?
The people at the Food Network seem to take an obsessive delight in beating Bobby Flay on the show “Beating Bobby Flay.” The ubiquitous chef squares off against challengers, with each making the challenger’s signature dish. All of the judges are seasoned (no pun intended) Food Network chefs and competitors from “Iron Chef America,” “Chopped” and the many cooking competition shows aired on the network, and they seem thrilled when Bobby loses to a signature dish from his challenger. All in good fun (and good food), I guess.
I hate it when I record something on the DVR so I won't have to watch the commercials and then I watch the program but I forget that it was recorded, so I end up watching the commercials anyway. Does that make any sense?
My highlight of the summer was seeing former Rutgers Women’s Basketball player Erica Wheeler not only get selected for the WNBA All-Star team, but then capture the MVP Award with 25 points and a record-tying seven 3-pointers. I watched Erica’s whole career at Rutgers, where she was a gutsy and energetic guard who could fly down the court. The announcer would yell “3 for 3” (referring to her uniform number) each time she hit one from behind the 3-point line. Before her senior year, her mother died and she almost left Rutgers. But RU Coach C. Vivian Stringer had told her mother when she recruited Erica that she would make sure her daughter graduated, and CVS convinced her to come back. She grew up in the Miami area, once barely escaping a shootout on the streets. Erica didn’t get drafted by the WNBA. Instead, she got a regular job, then quit to follow her dream, first playing basketball in Puerto Rico, Brazil and Turkey before finally getting her chance to join the WNBA, the women’s professional league here in the US. So, this small kid, undrafted but with her degree, took advantage of every opportunity that came her way and finally made it to the bigtime, where she stood out among a group of the best players. The tears flowed as she accepted her award – by her teammates and those of us watching on TV, in addition to Erica herself. Determination and inspiration made a difference. This is why I watch sports. Skill, yes, but also that never-give-up attitude, and the time when an unheralded player makes memories for all of us. Then that moment became a part of ESPN’s ad campaign under the banner “Why we love sports.” I get chills every time I see it.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Tina's September 2019 Movies and More
September's baker's dozen movies included almost all new works for me (marked with an asterisk), and many highly worth seeing. Numbering picks up from previous months. The ratings are on a scale of 1-5 cans of tuna fish. I should make my annual goal of 144 (an average of 12 movies a month) easily with 3 months to go!
112. The Last Resort* (2018) -- Andy Sweet and Greg Monroe were young photographers in Miami Beach in the 1960s and 70s who were fascinated by the large Jewish population of mostly elderly people who migrated to Florida from New York. They spent much of their time documenting the scenes of everyday life all around them. The population was mostly working-class people who retired and occupied small apartments in local hotels. The residents enjoyed dragging their aluminum chairs to sit in groups and schmooze on the beach. There were the “porch people,” whose day consisted of relishing the warm weather, gathering on the porches of their buildings and engaging in chit chat. But as the population aged and died off, a new influx from the Caribbean moved it, bringing colorful culture and younger people to Miami, even as the older buildings began to crumble. And then the drug trade moved in, drastically changing the demographic. This documentary (which I watched on Netflix) primarily focuses on the work of the young photographers and their affinity for the senior population. Miami had so many art deco buildings, lavish hotels and, of course, the beautiful beaches. This ode to a different time is not for everyone, but I enjoyed seeing people captured in a moment of their lives. 3 cans.
113. Hidden in Plain Sight* (2019) – Katie/Anna, a victim of domestic violence, fakes her own death, moves hours away from home with her young son and assumes a new identity. When her former boyfriend Nick finds out about the son he never knew he had, he starts to stalk her, as, of course, you know he would. She can’t go to the police, who think she’s dead, and their reunion will not be a pleasant one. This is a very predictable movie starring no one I had ever heard of. I can’t recommend it. 1 can.
114. 127 Hours* (2010) – James Franco does an outstanding job in playing adventure junkie/mountain climber Aron Ralston in this movie based on Ralston’s true-life account of a climb gone terribly wrong. Ralston slips into a crevice while climbing and becomes trapped when a boulder falls on his arm. He can’t budge the boulder to get free, and he brought only a limited supply of water and snacks with him on what he thought would be a brief outing. His near-fatal mistake was telling no one where he was going. Throughout his five-day ordeal, Aron begins to hallucinate, recalling memories of family and friends. A torrential rain helps supply him with some water, but no one is around to extricate him from his perch in the crevice. Finally, he takes things into his own hands, so to speak. Very suspenseful drama and much less visually disturbing than it could have been. 3 cans.
115. Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice* (2019) – This aptly named documentary provides a wide selection of songs by the magnificent Linda Ronstadt, features voice overs by the artist herself and plenty of comments by her contemporary artists. It traces her musical journey from the Stone Ponies to the beginning of the Eagles, to a solo act who could sell out a stadium. Ronstadt just loved music and found songs she “just had to sing.” She was interested in so many kinds of music and recorded songs that appeared on the pop, rock and country charts in the same week. Throw in operetta, traditional standards and her Mexican albums and you have one of the most prolific and versatile singers to ever record. The artists who appear in this film agree that she had an outstanding voice that was special. The poignancy of knowing the Parkinson’s has robbed her of the ability to sing is heartbreaking. What a talent! I need to start listening to her magical music again. 4 cans.
116. Abducted in Plain Sight* (2017) – This disturbing documentary is proof that truth is stranger than fiction. It recounts the story of 12-year-old Jan Broberg, kidnapped by a trusted family friend, Robert Berchtold. Berchtold, a master manipulator, has an obsession with Jan, but he is equally effective in convincing her parents that he did nothing wrong. He gets away with it – not once, but twice. He is determined to marry the prepubescent girl, and he spins a tale about aliens and a mission they must complete to “save the world” as the reason he sexually abuses her. His behavior is absolutely outrageous, but there is plenty of outrage about her parents, too. Who allows a trusted “friend,” an adult male, to share a bed with a 12-year-old in their own home -- which Berchtold did for months before the first kidnapping? The parents are so innocent that they don’t even contact the authorities about the missing girl until 5 days after Berchtold supposedly took her horseback riding and neither returned. Despite the fact that they return (courtesy of the authorities) and the anguish suffered by her family, he does it again, kidnapping Jan and transporting her to California this time. I’ll skip the sick details here, but if you can get past them, this is a compelling tale of abhorrent behavior misunderstood and condoned by incredibly gullible adults. Unbelievable – except that it is true. 3½ cans.
117. The Bookshop* (2018) – This is a quiet tale of young British widow Florence Green (Emily Mortimer), who lives her dream by purchasing an old home in Hardborough, England, and opening a bookstore. She raises the ire of local town snob Violet Gamart (Patricia Clarkson), who wants the old home to be used as an arts center. Florence’s support comes from Mr. Brundich (Bill Nighy), a wealthy recluse who loves books and allows Florence to select and send him her choices. Clarkson is particularly good as she conveys graciousness that glosses over her steely will to run poor Florence out of town. Not much happens here, but it was a pleasant change of pace, especially after the movie above. 3 cans.
118. Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives* (2017) – When Clive Davis earned his law degree from Harvard, he could not have imagined that he would become a revered music producer and executive who introduced the world to Whitney Houston, Janis Joplin, Alicia Keys, Bruce Springsteen, Aretha Franklin, Barry Manilow and countless other music icons. This documentary traces his rise and reveals his “ear” for music. He could spot talent and match artists with songs like no one else, always in search of “hits” that would get plenty of airplay on radio. His record company, Arista (which he founded after working for Columbia), was responsible for the sale of millions of albums and countless gold records, and his stewardship of young talent virtually insured success. Netflix features so many rich and worthwhile documentaries like this one that are both entertaining and informative. 4 cans.
119. Bringing Down the House (2003) – There are some movies that aren’t great but which I enjoy watching anyway, and this is one of those. Steve Martin plays straight-laced Peter Sanderson, a divorced tax attorney with two kids and no love interest. Then along comes Queen Latifah as Charlene, who is decidedly NOT the lawyer she purports to be online. She is an escaped convict who needs someone to her get her a new trial. This duo doesn’t match up at all, and he needs to be devoted to his job as he tries to win an elderly client (Joan Plowright) and her fortune for his firm. The clash of the different worlds of Charlene, Peter and the older women prove challenging for all of them. Stealing the show is Eugene Levy as Howie, a man who appreciates Charlene’s many virtues, but the highlight of the movie is the scene where Martin shows up at a club, ditching his conservative attire and looking like a “player” in an attempt to get info on Charlene’s case. 3½ cans.
120. Downton Abbey* (2019) – Welcome home, my former Sunday night friends. I was delighted to spend two hours in the company of the Downton crew as they prepared the arrangements for a visit from the King and Queen of England. Yes, the plot is a bit contrived, but writer Julian Fellows manages to give us the best of the characters in the former PBS series. As usual, the best zingers are reserved for the inimitable Dowager Countess (Maggie Smith), but she is not the only source of humor, as the rest of the cast conspires to protect their roles at Downton Abbey as the royal servants try to take over the downstairs territory. There was a storyline for everyone and plenty of hints of a sequel to come. OK, it wasn’t “Citizen Caine,” but I loved it. If you are a Downton fan, you won’t be disappointed. 4 cans.
121. Nothing Changes: Art for Hank’s Sake* (2018) – What is art? What is success? This documentary (I watched it on Amazon Prime Video) examines 87-year-old artist Hank Virgona, an enthusiastic illustrator and artist who, even battling cancer and at an advanced age, experiences what he considers “breakthroughs,” as he continues to follow his passion. Six days a week, Hank travels from the modest Queens apartment where he has lived since 1954 to his studio in Union Square, Manhattan. Where this trip used to take him half an hour, he has slowed from a walk to a shuffle and can spend up to two hours commuting. But even that trip inspires Hank to create art by sketching the people he sees on the subway. He captures vignettes that freeze a moment in time and he turns them into slices of New York reality. They are full of emotion, humor and craftsmanship. I’d say that if you are still pursuing your passion to create at 87, you have defined your own style and achieved success. 3½ cans.
122. The Music Never Stopped* (2011) – Gabriel Sawyer (Lou Taylor Pucci) wanted to be a musician despite his parents’ preference that he pursue a more traditional career path. He left home before graduating from high school for the streets of Manhattan and did not return. After 20 years, his parents are summoned to a hospital, where Gabe is suffering from a brain tumor. Once he undergoes surgery to remove it, his memory is shot and he is barely able to communicate. His father (J.K. Simmons) hires a music therapist (Julia Ormond) to help restore is brain and to reestablish their bond through the use of Gabe’s musical memories. He can connect and remember so much about his favorite songs and bands of the 1960s-70s, like the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones and others, and his father studies their songs to help him connect with his son. This is a very sweet and touching film. 3 cans.
123. Judy* (2019) – Renee Zellweger plays show biz icon Judy Garland with great authenticity AND does all of her own singing as she captures every nuance in Garland’s fabled voice and persona. Judy started her show business career as a child actress/singer in such movies as the classic “The Wizard of Oz.” Denied food and forced to pop pills to keep her thin and going, Judy picked up bad habits and bad influences at a very early age. At the time of this movie, she is in her late 40s, looks a decade older, and is fighting to keep her children from her latest ex-husband, Sid Luft. But she is without a home and cannot provide much-needed stability for her kids, so to make money, she agrees to perform a series of concerts in London. The well-paid gig should be easy for the chanteuse, but for the producers – who never know whether Judy will be sober or show up at all – her appearance is problematic at best. The movie depicts her as a sad figure, forced to perform because she has no choice. I remember seeing Judy Garland on TV, a fierce but fragile woman, so slight that she looked like she could fall apart at any moment, and Zellweger gives her vulnerability the spotlight in an Oscar-worthy performance. “Judy” is enough to break your heart even without chasing that rainbow. 4 cans.
124. A Simple Favor* (2018) – The favor isn’t quite so simple in this twisty suspense comedy. Mommy Blogger Stephanie (Anna Kenrick) is a young widow, a great mom, and the kind of enthusiastic person who will do anything for anyone. High-powered PR exec Emily (Blake Lively in a ruthlessly cool role) is happy to dump her son on her new “bestie,” but when she fails to show up to pick up her child, Stephanie goes all Nancy Drew on her. Stephanie is not at all what she seems, buy Emily can more than one-up her. I don’t want to reveal the juicy plot, but it was like no movie I have seen, and I’m glad I did. I caught in on Amazon Prime and recommend it. 4 cans.
112. The Last Resort* (2018) -- Andy Sweet and Greg Monroe were young photographers in Miami Beach in the 1960s and 70s who were fascinated by the large Jewish population of mostly elderly people who migrated to Florida from New York. They spent much of their time documenting the scenes of everyday life all around them. The population was mostly working-class people who retired and occupied small apartments in local hotels. The residents enjoyed dragging their aluminum chairs to sit in groups and schmooze on the beach. There were the “porch people,” whose day consisted of relishing the warm weather, gathering on the porches of their buildings and engaging in chit chat. But as the population aged and died off, a new influx from the Caribbean moved it, bringing colorful culture and younger people to Miami, even as the older buildings began to crumble. And then the drug trade moved in, drastically changing the demographic. This documentary (which I watched on Netflix) primarily focuses on the work of the young photographers and their affinity for the senior population. Miami had so many art deco buildings, lavish hotels and, of course, the beautiful beaches. This ode to a different time is not for everyone, but I enjoyed seeing people captured in a moment of their lives. 3 cans.
113. Hidden in Plain Sight* (2019) – Katie/Anna, a victim of domestic violence, fakes her own death, moves hours away from home with her young son and assumes a new identity. When her former boyfriend Nick finds out about the son he never knew he had, he starts to stalk her, as, of course, you know he would. She can’t go to the police, who think she’s dead, and their reunion will not be a pleasant one. This is a very predictable movie starring no one I had ever heard of. I can’t recommend it. 1 can.
114. 127 Hours* (2010) – James Franco does an outstanding job in playing adventure junkie/mountain climber Aron Ralston in this movie based on Ralston’s true-life account of a climb gone terribly wrong. Ralston slips into a crevice while climbing and becomes trapped when a boulder falls on his arm. He can’t budge the boulder to get free, and he brought only a limited supply of water and snacks with him on what he thought would be a brief outing. His near-fatal mistake was telling no one where he was going. Throughout his five-day ordeal, Aron begins to hallucinate, recalling memories of family and friends. A torrential rain helps supply him with some water, but no one is around to extricate him from his perch in the crevice. Finally, he takes things into his own hands, so to speak. Very suspenseful drama and much less visually disturbing than it could have been. 3 cans.
115. Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice* (2019) – This aptly named documentary provides a wide selection of songs by the magnificent Linda Ronstadt, features voice overs by the artist herself and plenty of comments by her contemporary artists. It traces her musical journey from the Stone Ponies to the beginning of the Eagles, to a solo act who could sell out a stadium. Ronstadt just loved music and found songs she “just had to sing.” She was interested in so many kinds of music and recorded songs that appeared on the pop, rock and country charts in the same week. Throw in operetta, traditional standards and her Mexican albums and you have one of the most prolific and versatile singers to ever record. The artists who appear in this film agree that she had an outstanding voice that was special. The poignancy of knowing the Parkinson’s has robbed her of the ability to sing is heartbreaking. What a talent! I need to start listening to her magical music again. 4 cans.
116. Abducted in Plain Sight* (2017) – This disturbing documentary is proof that truth is stranger than fiction. It recounts the story of 12-year-old Jan Broberg, kidnapped by a trusted family friend, Robert Berchtold. Berchtold, a master manipulator, has an obsession with Jan, but he is equally effective in convincing her parents that he did nothing wrong. He gets away with it – not once, but twice. He is determined to marry the prepubescent girl, and he spins a tale about aliens and a mission they must complete to “save the world” as the reason he sexually abuses her. His behavior is absolutely outrageous, but there is plenty of outrage about her parents, too. Who allows a trusted “friend,” an adult male, to share a bed with a 12-year-old in their own home -- which Berchtold did for months before the first kidnapping? The parents are so innocent that they don’t even contact the authorities about the missing girl until 5 days after Berchtold supposedly took her horseback riding and neither returned. Despite the fact that they return (courtesy of the authorities) and the anguish suffered by her family, he does it again, kidnapping Jan and transporting her to California this time. I’ll skip the sick details here, but if you can get past them, this is a compelling tale of abhorrent behavior misunderstood and condoned by incredibly gullible adults. Unbelievable – except that it is true. 3½ cans.
117. The Bookshop* (2018) – This is a quiet tale of young British widow Florence Green (Emily Mortimer), who lives her dream by purchasing an old home in Hardborough, England, and opening a bookstore. She raises the ire of local town snob Violet Gamart (Patricia Clarkson), who wants the old home to be used as an arts center. Florence’s support comes from Mr. Brundich (Bill Nighy), a wealthy recluse who loves books and allows Florence to select and send him her choices. Clarkson is particularly good as she conveys graciousness that glosses over her steely will to run poor Florence out of town. Not much happens here, but it was a pleasant change of pace, especially after the movie above. 3 cans.
118. Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives* (2017) – When Clive Davis earned his law degree from Harvard, he could not have imagined that he would become a revered music producer and executive who introduced the world to Whitney Houston, Janis Joplin, Alicia Keys, Bruce Springsteen, Aretha Franklin, Barry Manilow and countless other music icons. This documentary traces his rise and reveals his “ear” for music. He could spot talent and match artists with songs like no one else, always in search of “hits” that would get plenty of airplay on radio. His record company, Arista (which he founded after working for Columbia), was responsible for the sale of millions of albums and countless gold records, and his stewardship of young talent virtually insured success. Netflix features so many rich and worthwhile documentaries like this one that are both entertaining and informative. 4 cans.
119. Bringing Down the House (2003) – There are some movies that aren’t great but which I enjoy watching anyway, and this is one of those. Steve Martin plays straight-laced Peter Sanderson, a divorced tax attorney with two kids and no love interest. Then along comes Queen Latifah as Charlene, who is decidedly NOT the lawyer she purports to be online. She is an escaped convict who needs someone to her get her a new trial. This duo doesn’t match up at all, and he needs to be devoted to his job as he tries to win an elderly client (Joan Plowright) and her fortune for his firm. The clash of the different worlds of Charlene, Peter and the older women prove challenging for all of them. Stealing the show is Eugene Levy as Howie, a man who appreciates Charlene’s many virtues, but the highlight of the movie is the scene where Martin shows up at a club, ditching his conservative attire and looking like a “player” in an attempt to get info on Charlene’s case. 3½ cans.
120. Downton Abbey* (2019) – Welcome home, my former Sunday night friends. I was delighted to spend two hours in the company of the Downton crew as they prepared the arrangements for a visit from the King and Queen of England. Yes, the plot is a bit contrived, but writer Julian Fellows manages to give us the best of the characters in the former PBS series. As usual, the best zingers are reserved for the inimitable Dowager Countess (Maggie Smith), but she is not the only source of humor, as the rest of the cast conspires to protect their roles at Downton Abbey as the royal servants try to take over the downstairs territory. There was a storyline for everyone and plenty of hints of a sequel to come. OK, it wasn’t “Citizen Caine,” but I loved it. If you are a Downton fan, you won’t be disappointed. 4 cans.
121. Nothing Changes: Art for Hank’s Sake* (2018) – What is art? What is success? This documentary (I watched it on Amazon Prime Video) examines 87-year-old artist Hank Virgona, an enthusiastic illustrator and artist who, even battling cancer and at an advanced age, experiences what he considers “breakthroughs,” as he continues to follow his passion. Six days a week, Hank travels from the modest Queens apartment where he has lived since 1954 to his studio in Union Square, Manhattan. Where this trip used to take him half an hour, he has slowed from a walk to a shuffle and can spend up to two hours commuting. But even that trip inspires Hank to create art by sketching the people he sees on the subway. He captures vignettes that freeze a moment in time and he turns them into slices of New York reality. They are full of emotion, humor and craftsmanship. I’d say that if you are still pursuing your passion to create at 87, you have defined your own style and achieved success. 3½ cans.
122. The Music Never Stopped* (2011) – Gabriel Sawyer (Lou Taylor Pucci) wanted to be a musician despite his parents’ preference that he pursue a more traditional career path. He left home before graduating from high school for the streets of Manhattan and did not return. After 20 years, his parents are summoned to a hospital, where Gabe is suffering from a brain tumor. Once he undergoes surgery to remove it, his memory is shot and he is barely able to communicate. His father (J.K. Simmons) hires a music therapist (Julia Ormond) to help restore is brain and to reestablish their bond through the use of Gabe’s musical memories. He can connect and remember so much about his favorite songs and bands of the 1960s-70s, like the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones and others, and his father studies their songs to help him connect with his son. This is a very sweet and touching film. 3 cans.
123. Judy* (2019) – Renee Zellweger plays show biz icon Judy Garland with great authenticity AND does all of her own singing as she captures every nuance in Garland’s fabled voice and persona. Judy started her show business career as a child actress/singer in such movies as the classic “The Wizard of Oz.” Denied food and forced to pop pills to keep her thin and going, Judy picked up bad habits and bad influences at a very early age. At the time of this movie, she is in her late 40s, looks a decade older, and is fighting to keep her children from her latest ex-husband, Sid Luft. But she is without a home and cannot provide much-needed stability for her kids, so to make money, she agrees to perform a series of concerts in London. The well-paid gig should be easy for the chanteuse, but for the producers – who never know whether Judy will be sober or show up at all – her appearance is problematic at best. The movie depicts her as a sad figure, forced to perform because she has no choice. I remember seeing Judy Garland on TV, a fierce but fragile woman, so slight that she looked like she could fall apart at any moment, and Zellweger gives her vulnerability the spotlight in an Oscar-worthy performance. “Judy” is enough to break your heart even without chasing that rainbow. 4 cans.
124. A Simple Favor* (2018) – The favor isn’t quite so simple in this twisty suspense comedy. Mommy Blogger Stephanie (Anna Kenrick) is a young widow, a great mom, and the kind of enthusiastic person who will do anything for anyone. High-powered PR exec Emily (Blake Lively in a ruthlessly cool role) is happy to dump her son on her new “bestie,” but when she fails to show up to pick up her child, Stephanie goes all Nancy Drew on her. Stephanie is not at all what she seems, buy Emily can more than one-up her. I don’t want to reveal the juicy plot, but it was like no movie I have seen, and I’m glad I did. I caught in on Amazon Prime and recommend it. 4 cans.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
September Message from Tina -- Shouldering the Pain
I’m glad I don’t have to return to school this month and
answer that age-old question, “How was your summer?” Because, for the most part, mine was pretty
bad, full of pain and angst as I prepped for, underwent and recovered from
surgery. And here’s why there was no
Randomthoughtsbytina blog posting in August and why you haven’t heard or seen
much of me on social media or in person for a while, which maybe went unnoticed.
At the beginning of August, after 6 months of physical
therapy that only minimally improved the condition of my aching shoulder, and
two cortisone shots that came up short, I underwent rotator cuff surgery. Things could be far worse, I know. After all, I went through colon cancer nearly
20 years ago, and my shoulder was something that could be fixed.
The surgery was to done repair a full rotator cuff tear, a
partial tear, a bone spur and a calcium deposit in my right shoulder. Naturally, I am right-handed. The doctor assured me he could address these
issues arthroscopically, just going in to “clean things up,” which sounds to me
like cleaning the kitchen counters, only it isn’t. Medical procedures always seem to be no big
deal when the doctors describe them, but they aren’t the ones who can’t get
dressed, sleep in a bed, brush their teeth or comb their hair for weeks
afterwards. My doctor is pretty laid
back. I asked him how long it would be
until I could drive again. He told me I
could drive whenever I felt like I could do it.
Three weeks after the surgery, I resumed driving, but only to physical
therapy and to ShopRite (which probably missed me more than any of you). I’m still not ready to tackle driving around
the Somerville Circle, or, God forbid, parallel park – which I didn’t do well
BEFORE the surgery. Just reaching back
to connect the seatbelt hurts, so I move the seat all the way back to attach it
and then move all the way up so I can reach the pedals.
I really thought this whole process through in advance. I decided to have surgery during the summer,
when I wouldn’t have to wear jackets, coats, sweatshirts, etc. – or slip on the
ice of winter – and when I could lounge around in shorts and t-shirts while
recovering. I knew getting dressed would
be painful, and I was right. I just
stayed in the same clothes – day and night – for the first 3 days! I prepped for my recuperation by buying
sleeveless tops with buttons or others that I could pull on easily over my
neck; it took me two weeks just to wear SHORT sleeves.
Forget about sleeping in a bed. I can’t sleep on the shoulder, and even if I
prop up my arm to keep it supported, I am afraid I will roll over and hurt
myself. Luckily, I have several
recliners, but only one has electric controls on the left side, and since I couldn’t
move my right arm much, that became my bed during my recuperation. After two weeks I was able to move the lever
on the recliner in my bedroom, so I graduated from sleeping in the family room
to at least sleeping NEAR my bed. One
day I sat in a different recliner in the family room and I couldn’t get
out. I thought I’d have to call 911 and
request the jaws of life to extricate me.
I was worried (justifiably, it turns out) about using my
left hand in situations where my right hand has always taken control, which
includes anything in the bathroom.
I didn’t realize how very right-handed I was until I couldn’t use
it. Just reaching for a light switch
caused me pain. Brushing my teeth
left-handed was an adventure, even with my electric toothbrush. I’ll refrain from sharing other details.
I made a few good choices, the best of which was scheduling
this surgery in the summer and getting my hair cut short. I couldn’t shower for a week, and after a
month I still can’t raise my right arm enough to dry my hair properly, so I
lower my head to reach the dryer. I assumed
I wouldn’t be able to lift the cover on my grill, so I figured that making
pasta and meatloaf ahead of time and freezing single portions would be better
than pouring cereal directly down my throat or confining myself to tuna fish
right out of the package. I can’t cut
much of anything and my left hand holds a fork like a two-year old.
In my usual zeal and attention to detail, I tried to
anticipate and address every issue I could think of to prepare for my
recuperation. I bought detergent pods so
I could do laundry without having to pour liquid from heavy bottles. I use a “grabber”
to fish my socks out of the bottom of the washing machine one-handed. I even bought a new tube of toothpaste
because I figured it would be easier to squeeze with one hand.
I now own every kind of ice pack on the market, some that
stick to body parts and others that drape over my shoulder. There are more ice packs in my freezer than
actual food. I stocked up on bottled
water and toilet paper, so I should not need to ask people to stop at the
supermarket for these basics, just fresh fruit and real food. My neighbors, friends and sister have been
extremely helpful, but, being fiercely independent and living on my own for
more than 40 years, I hate asking anyone for help.
I prepped by watching videos about the operation itself. I viewed
medical illustrations to better understand the shoulder structure and how it would
be fixed, and I checked out videos made by patients who had gone through the
same surgery. Those videos informed me
of what I would be facing and also scared me!
Since typing was painful even before the surgery, I gladly
took a much-needed break from social media.
I can’t type well with my left hand, and although I can speak into my
phone, the mistakes that result from that drive me crazy. I informed everyone who has come to expect an
almost instant response from me that I would not be spending time in front of
the computer. In recovery, if I am on my
computer any length of time with my arm is at a certain angle, I have to hook
myself up to the heating pad to relieve the pain.
I patiently waited to binge the last season of “Orange is
the New Black” so I could savor it while I healed. I also found a bunch of other binge-worthy
programs that weren’t too taxing on my mind, since I can’t concentrate because
of the pain. I washed and dried every
bit of laundry I could find, changed my sheets (kind of a waste of time),
addressed birthday cards for later in the month, prepaid bills, put a vacation
“out-of-office” message on my email and caught up on as much as I could.
Oh, and did I mention that now my left shoulder is bothering
me? All that extra effort is wearing on
it. And I am dealing with plantar
fasciitis in BOTH feet, which limits my ability to walk.
Walking barefoot is out completely.
Now I am wrapping my feet with Ace bandages and wearing the old orthotics
I wore years ago when I went through this condition last time.
So now I go to physical therapy four times a week, twice for
my shoulder and twice for my feet. I am
massaged by my physical “terrorist,” I do my exercises and get treated with
heat or ice as well as electrical stimulation on both feet and the right
shoulder. I hope I don’t get
electrocuted or that the place doesn’t catch on fire! I went to PT the other day and showed off my
latest accomplishment: I can now wave my
right arm! I have made progress, both
from going to PT and from doing my exercises at home. You can find me walking around the house,
shrugging my shoulders and swinging my arm.
When I hear about athletes who come back from this surgery
and return to throwing touchdowns or pitching 95-mile-an-hour fastballs, I am more
amazed than inspired. This surgery is
painful. The recuperation is NO
JOKE! I wear a sling when I go out, but
it pulls on my neck and cramps my repaired shoulder and arm. I’m scared to be jostled or bumped or that
some well-meaning person will want to give me a big bear hug. I totally understand why star Colts
quarterback Andrew Luck retired, saying he was tired of being caught in a cycle
of injury, pain and rehab. In my case, at
least big defensive linemen are not trying to knock me over! I watched Rafael Nadal play in the U.S. Open
with pure jealousy over his fit and beautiful shoulders (I have three tiny
holes in mine). I’ll be happy to be able
to hang my clothes in the closet with my right arm. I can’t wait to be able to sleep in my bed
and use my camera. I had better be
recovered in time to see my precious Rutgers Women’s Basketball team take the
court in November!
I feel like one of those road signs that read: “Temporary
inconvenience, permanent improvement.”
At least I hope so.
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